051; how I met your father

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chapter 51

how I met your father

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"Why is the sun following us?" Avery asks. I look through the rear view mirror, seeing him stilly laid on Y/N's lap on the backseat as he gazed outside the windows.

"Don't look into the sun directly, you'll hurt your eyes." Y/N advised before taking her own shades over his eyes, the frame being too big for his little face.

"You didn't answer, why is the sun following us?" He asks once more. "Well... it appears to follow us because it's very far away. In space. And no matter where we look from, it will always seem like following us." Y/N simply explained.

"Ok." Avery agrees before turning to his side. "I want to pee." He blurts. "We'll go on the next stop, bubba." I smile through the mirror.

"Need to sub?" Y/N offers as she hops in the passenger seat by my side. "We're just an hour away, I can manage, babe." I plant a kiss on her lips.

"I'm done!" Avery finally hops back in the car. "Okay, buckle up." I remind. "Y/N! Come back here and tell me more stories!" He calls. "Oh--" Y/N shares a quick look with me, and I nod. "Sure." She agrees, taking off the seatbelt and hopping back there.

"Do you like gummies?" Avery asks as I reversed the car, moving out of the parking spot. "I'd like them." Y/N agrees. "I want your jelly beans." He bargains. "Oh... okay." Y/N chuckled and took her candy bag.

"More." I raise a brow as he demands. Y/N's business talk really is rubbing on to him. "You are getting better at negotiations, I like it." Y/N adds before throwing on a candy bar as well.

"I have a great teacher." Avery smiles, earning a laugh from Y/N.

"Deal, mister. Good job, you remembered our rule number one--" "--always ask for a raise." They both spoke before laughing together. I watched as they shook hands before turning back to the highway. I'm just really happy to see my two favorite people getting along.

"Alright, what do you wanna hear?" Y/N sets her hands behind her head. "How you met daddy?" His words had caught me by surprise. "Well... It was a long time ago." Y/N says.

"And we are just right on time because we met..." I trail off, pointing at the sign by the road. "Right here." We spoke.

Welcome to
San Francisco, California


Arthur L/N was currently working for a big movie under Netflix, taking them to a studio lot in San Francisco. 

"He is in the office, monkey." Vivian points behind Y/N, letting her run into the studio where her dad was currently working at.

As Y/N passed by the active set, she frowns, wanting to stay to see the whole thing being done. However, she felt tired too so maybe wasting time in her father's office wasn't such a bad idea.

She opens the glass doors, making her way to the office chair which was facing backwards. But as she turns it around, Y/N almost jumps as a boy about her age turns out to be sitting on it.

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