010; just like old times

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chapter 10

just like old times


As what they talked about, Y/n's weekly visits became regular; sometimes one or two other of their friends will tag along. However, today they will be skipping the regular visit at Finn's. They will be spending the day at Y/N's place along with the others.

Just like any other hang out, each and every one of them was in their own worlds. Usually, the boys would be up to the most random stuff while Y/N, Orion, and Enya would silently judge them on the other side of the house.

"I wanna know what love isss!" Josh and Finn wholeheartedly sings under the poorly made pillow fort– made up of blankets, pillows, and Y/N's dining room chairs.

"I want you to show meeeee!" Drew joins in, with a bottle of beer in his hands. Josh attempts to curl a note, which ended up sounding like a horrible wail.

"I wanna know what love isss!" Josh and Drew sings, Finn just vibing to the song with a blanket draped over his head.

"I want you to sh- sad song." Finn was cut off by his own wince before drinking the bottle of beer.

"Get up boys." Y/N shook their fort, causing them to come out of it like a colony of ants in their nest. "Work on the grill. I don't like smoke hitting my hair. It smells." She rants, handing them the spatulas.

"On it." They all immediately obeyed and head to her kitchen while she joined Enya and Orion in the living room.

"They look so cute when you demand them to do shit." Orion chuckled and tossed her phone away.

"Right, and they don't even budge." Y/N agreed and took some controllers.

Time didn't even seem to pass as they just played video games, their eyes being too busy glued on the TV screen, and just exchanging random anecdotes that come to mind.

"Man, I used to be better than Wyatt at this!" Y/N groaned in frustration. "HAAAAAA You suck!" Enya laughed at the girl. 

Finn now sneaked up behind Y/N on the couch with a half-eaten burger on his right hand. "Noobs!" He hopped forward and leaned his torso on the couch. 

Y/N scrunched her nose up and took a bite from the burger on Finn's hand. "HEY!"

"Go back to the kitchen." She scoffed and faced the TV screen.

"Beat that level first." Finn smugly smiled, facing her. "You do it then since you're so good." She snap before Finn rolled his eyes and took the burger away.

"You forgot the technique I use, you see--" Finn put his hands above's Y/N's guiding her with the controls, their eyes fixed to the characters on the game while half arguing.

Orion peeked through Y/N and Finn to share gazes with Enya and putting two thumbs ups.

"Aye!" Finn and Y/N cheered as the victory banner on the game popped up. "I get it now." Finn chuckled an pulled away. "You ladies want your dinner now?" Finn looks back as he walked to the kitchen. "Yes please!"

"Yeah, it was so bad! I even dropped a burrito in the jacuzzi and ate it anyways." Drew concluded his story and earned groans of disgust from everyone.

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