005; major problem

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chapter 5

major problem



Grief comes in it's own time for everyone in it's own way. So the best we can do, the best anyone can do, is try for honesty.

The really crappy thing, the very worst part of grief is that you can't control it. The best we can do is try to let ourselves feel it when it comes and let it go when we can.

"Oh this is beautiful. Really elegant. Can Cylia wear this??" Jack says, holding up one of my designs.

I chuckled, walking over to him on the marble countertop. "I haven't even made it yet! But I'd be happy to let her model it when I'm done." I say. "Oh my gosh, yes that's nice!" Enya agrees with awe.

"You heard from Dogsoft yet?" She asks. 

"Yeah, about that, nah." I spoke before blowing raspberries.

"I'm sorry." They both frown.

"Oh don't give me that pity look, I'm fine." I scoff.

"It's been three months though." Jack point out, and Enya nodded in agreement.

"Let him grieve. It's fine. He can show up now, he can show up in six years, I honestly don't care." I stated.

"Well, I gotta get going. Bye you two." Enya threw a sling bag over her shoulder before heading for the door.

I sighed, joining Jack on the kitchen seats. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but filming is actually amazing. I kind of miss it." I spoke.

"If only my stupid father didn't treat me as his promotion material, I would've actually enjoyed acting." I reach for a wine glass.

"Buh buh buh buh– you're doing it again. You're letting Arthur get into your nerves again." Jack took the wine glass away from my hand.

"I'm so sorry you didn't have the nicest of experience in the industry, I know how much you loved acting. But if you ever do decide to come back, I'm here for support." Jack cheers before his phone dings.

"Oh no I gotta get going too. They need me at home." He hopped off the seat and placed a kiss on my head.

"See you ugly." I yelled. "Love you too!" Was the last thing I heard from him before the door slammed shut.

and just like that, I was all alone again. I gathered all my designs, piling them in a folder before heading to my bedroom for a big fat nap.

I started to stir awake from my slumber as a continuous series of doorbell burst through my front door. 

6:37 PM

How long was I out?

I gently swing my body and helped myself get up from the bed, tidying up and stretching a little bit before leaving my room.

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