039; for lifers

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chapter 39

for lifers

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When we experience a devastating loss, we all go through five unique stages of grief, according to Elizabeth Kübler-Ross. We go into denial because the loss is so unbelievable that we can't believe it. We grow enraged with everyone, even survivors and ourselves, and then we bargain. 

We beg, we plead, we offer everything we have.

In return for just one more day, we offer up our souls. When negotiating fails and maintaining anger becomes too difficult, we slip into depression and despair, until we ultimately realize that we have done everything we can. We relinquished control. We let go and enter a state of acceptance.

"It'll hurt every time you think of her. But over time, it will hurt less and less. And eventually you'll remember her and it will only hurt a little."  Is what my mom told me when my wife died.

But I cursed her, told her she doesn't understand and fell into a really dark space.

but, she was actually right...

Finding out you were incorrect about something can be terrifying. But we must not be frightened to modify our opinions, to realize that things are different and will never be the same again, for better or worse. 

We must be willing to abandon our previous beliefs. We'll discover ourselves exactly where we belong the more willing we are to accept what is rather than what we thought.

It's one of those things that folks say from time to time. 'Until you let go of the past, you won't be able to go forward.' 

The easy part is letting go; the difficult part is moving on. As a result, we sometimes fight it, attempting to maintain the status quo. 

However, things cannot continue to be the same. You have to let it go at some time. Now is the time to move on. Because it is the only way we can grow, no matter how painful it is.

...and there will always be better days ahead.

It was a normal morning, but today, with Cole still in town while they hang by Finn's yard. They were currently drinking coffee and enjoying the cool morning breeze.

"I think I'm ready to go out there again, you know?" Finn blurts. "Really? Cause, you know... you were in a relationship for years and then, she was gone. You're rusty, man." Cole implied.

"Yeah." Finn agrees. "Just sayin'... you need some help out there." Cole states.

"Could be..."

"Finn..." "Yes, Cola?"

"Do you think... I can be your wingman again?" He asks. "Maybe..." "YES! The boys are back! and Finn, my man, it's gonna be epic!" Cole extolled.

"Don't make it a big deal." Finn ventures. "But it is."

"Be cool, man." Finn chided before heading to the gates. "Hey, where are you going?" 

"I'm gonna start now." He replies. "Where?!" 

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