The Journey Begins

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(Someone dream)

Dad:Run,you can't die.

Mom:he's right you need to run as far as you can.

Kid:No I will not leave you two here please don't leave me!!

Dad and mom:Just remember one thing ok don't ever forget us.

Kid:Mom.... Dad...... No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*wake up*

Kenta:*huff *huff*mom dad.

Lindow:What is it are you having bad dream.

Kenta:Yeah,Looks like a bad dream.

Lindow:Are you okay is there something I can do to make you feel better.

Kenta:it's ok Lindow I'm fine.Anyway why are you here we have a mission or what.

Lindow:Yes,we have.We need to hunt down ten ogretail.

Kenta:Looks like more job to me.

Lindow:haha,yeah as long as you don't make any trouble ok.

Kenta:Seriously Lindow I'm trouble.

Lindow:Just kidding.Anyway I ask Sakuya and Soma to join us on this mission.

Kenta:I don't mind actually.

Lindow:Oh really,what if I tell you that the girl that you hate so much on the mission with us

Kenta:*Angry* Lindow why you.

Lindow:*laugh*I actually test you to see your reaction.Man your reaction was priceless just now. I know you are mad but it's not your fault.

Kenta:I hate her because she blame me for his death.

Lindow:Anyway let's go to the mission shall we.

Lindow and I arrive at the old city with Sakuya and Soma.Then we saw a vajra kill all the ogretail.

Lindow:The job become easier don't you think.

Kenta:Yeah but we can't underestimate that vajra.

Sakuya:Ok now what should we do.

Soma:I suggest we attack it.

Lindow:Good idea let's go.


Lindow:*glare*there's no time to but let's do it.

Kenta:Alright,fine.(Since when he become this scary).

They attack that vajra until it die.After that.........


Kenta:you doesn't need to scream like that Lindow.

Lindow:Wow it's the rare one.

Sakuya:let's head back I'm starving.What kind of rations that they are serving today.

Lindow: We are having a new type of corn.

Kenta:Well,it's better than nothing.

Sakuya:but it's hard to chew.

Lindow:Come on guys you guys really doesn't want to left behind.

We come back to Far East Branch after we defeat that aragami. After eat
Director call me to come to his room.

*knock knock*door open*

Director:There you are Ghost.

Ghost(Kenta):What is it director why you want to see me.

Director:Listen I want to tell you that we will have two new god eater that will come to this branch. I want you and Lindow teach them how to become great god eater,can you?

Ghost(Kenta):Yeah trust me director I will teach them how to become great god eater.(well actually I'm scare but I never say no)

Director:Good to hear it from you.
Now you may leave.


At veteran section.....

Lindow:Hey,Kenta do you hear information from Director.

Kenta:Yeah I hear it's looks like I need to teach them as well.*shaking *

Lindow:Don't scare man.

Kenta:No,I just thinking what happen if I do mistake infront of that rookies.

Lindow:You know it's normal to scare do you still remember first time I come to you and become your instructor.

Kenta:I remember your hand was shaking that time and you always tell me to shoot and shoot that damn aragami.

Lindow:See it doesn't matter if you scare but you just need to remember my rules ok.

Kenta:Yeah yeah anyway I'm tired right now I need to go sleep.Goodnight Lindow.

Lindow:Goodnight Kenta.

Next part:The new type

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