Kenta's Advice

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Yuu meets Ren in the hallway and Ren calls Yuu to speak.

Ren:He is certainly beloved, isn't he? Lindow must be have made some impression. Even his foolishness, his jokes, idiocy... Hahaha! Come to think of it, you even saw didn't you? That first day fought ogretails together. Couldn't even count. Ah, yes. Perhaps, that was his way of... shattering the ice. I suppose that was a gift of his. And look at what you have become. A leader, a captain, a god eater well-loved and well-respected by all those who fight here. That... is why I must tell you this. Why I must warn you. Dealing with a god eater who's been infected is. If the mutations spreads... If it finds a way to spread, and it will... You will lose all that once made you human. There will be nothing left to find. God arcs will have no effect against someone so infected.
There is only one way left... You must use their own God arc and kill it.

Yuu was angry because he felt Ren said nonsense thing.

Yuu:Shut up! I will never do it.

Ren:It's up to you,but tell me what will you do if he'd become an Aragami,will you kill that Aragami?
In this world we must make foolish and selfish choice. It's always been that way. Think about it.

Ren leave Yuu who's on dilemma.

Yuu:Should I kill Lindow?

???:Are you stuck on what to do?

Yuu:Kenta, I...

Kenta:You don't have to tell me, I heard what you talked about with Ren earlier.

Yuu:What should I do now? There can be no other solution to save Lindow. Is killing him is one way out?

Kenta:Yuu, There will be a solution to this and it must be.

Yuu:Is that so?

Kenta:Yeah, You have to try and don't give up until you succeed. Sometimes,
"Miracles happen to those who believe in them."

Yuu:Kenta, I will never give up and I will find the solution.

Kenta:That's what I want from you.

Kenta wanted to go out and remembered something.

Kenta:I forgot one thing, if you have any problems you can just talk to us. We're your family after all.

Yuu:Kenta... Thank you for the advice.

Kenta smiled and say to Yuu.

Kenta:That's what family is all about, never leave others and be willing to help. See you later and you're welcome.

Kenta entered the elevator and headed to the main hall. However, the elevator suddenly stopped. When the elevator door opened he saw Aki in front of his eyes.

Aki:Kenta, we need to talk.

Kenta:Alright, What do you want from me?

Next part:Aragami transformation

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