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Kenta pov

Kenta:(I always see everyone from 1st unit go to Dr sakaki room when I ask them they always say nothing I'm thinking what is the Secret they hide from me i will search it today)


Kota:World kinda sorry now isn't it?I mean it's so dark.A long time ago before an aragami appeared.It was beautiful.It was right y know.No daily life and death struggles or giant monsters.Okay I really don't know I'm just quoting stuff I read on Norn.Have you ever seen videos they have before pre aragami times it's rock!

Yuu:Looks like it was.

Kota:Someone uploaded all these TV shows.I've seen this one call bugarally sometime with Kenta.Its like the best show!Everyone must be happy back then.None of this paranoia.After work you're head home and hug your family.They be so happy.You'd tell the story at dinner place and the whole table laugh.You'd stay up and play games.Then when you wake up you just need to worry about your dinner and games.And then you close your eyes and tommorrow would come,just easy as that.No one ever thought the future will be like this.No one thought they be afraid.But it's not like we can see the future.They sure as heck couldn't.There's no one to blame for the world that we have now...I gotta make sure that I stock up presents for my sister for her the next time I head home.I guess it's time to get back yeah?we doesn't wanna make advisor wait for us.I think I couldn't take that push up punishment again.

Yuu:It just push up okay.

Yuu and Kota go to Dr sakaki lab but they doesn't know that someone just follow them.

Yuu and Kota:Sorry we're late.

Dr sakaki:Not this time you two it's looks like everyone here.Listen I have an idea I want to give name to this child.

Alisa:You want to name her?

Dr sakaki:Yeah,we can't keep calling her the child, and the specimen, while accurate, seems cruel.I simply doesn't have no aptitude for such a task.Hence I have tasked you all to find suitable name for her.Go to.

Kota:Haha!Well I hate to brag,but I'm pretty good about giving name.

Aki:Yeah like we trust you.

Alisa:*Sigh*Well that's seem ominous...

Kota:Hmm.. Let us see here.Bam,got it Norami!

Alisa:Um no.

Kota:What do you mean no?!You have better idea?

Alisa:I didn't say that... Why should I have to..

Kota:Ha!I found you out sister!You're afraid,aren't tcha? You got no style!

Alisa:No I'm not certainly afraid,you brute!Um... Well she.. could be... uh...

The girl:Shio!

Alisa:Yes yes that's perfect! And presicely what I was going to say thank you Shio.

Kota:You're such a liar full of shame! If we can't think let's just put her name Norami.


Sakuya:Is shio already your name?

Shio:Yep Shio!

Dr sakaki:Well it appears this was a vain exercise.The child has been Christined.Very well then Shio it is!

Kota:Whaaaat?!Come on!You're sure you doesn't want to be Norami?It's pretty cool.


Kota:Gaah!Work with me here!

Suddenly that door room has been open.

Kenta:I want explanation.

Everyone shock knowing that Kenta know about this.

Kenta:Can someone really tell me what's going on here and... Wait Shio.

Shio:Kenta Shio best friend.

Kenta:Shio what are you doing here are they kidnapping you?

Shio:Shio just follow everyone.

Once again they really shock to see Shio knows Kenta.

Yuu:Wait how did you know Shio?

Kenta:You want the answer I give you the answer I was the one who give that Shio name.

Kota:Wait what?


Sakuya:Since when?

Kenta:Before I come here.She was the one that help me to come to Far East Branch.

Alisa:That's shocking.

Kenta:Take it easy guys. I will tell you guys how I meet her okay.

Next part:The first journey

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