Shio And Soma

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Dr sakaki:Good day to you.Working hard, I imagine? Yes?Thanks to you Shio natural intelligence has skyrocketed.She is nearly adult level of comprehension and conversation.

Shio:I did really good.Thank you! Thank you both!

Dr Sakaki:Though she still retains some speech patterns.In any case I asked you to come here as we pressing issue.I don't mean to frighten you,but...We have no source food for Shio.Suffice it to say, this must be handled immediately.

Yuu:Doesn't Kenta always buy food to Shio?

Dr Sakaki:Yeah,but we can't just always rely on him to buy food for Shio.I had a sufficient stockpile of cores.... Heh, or atleast I thought it sufficient.But yesterday it seems I just empty my coffers.So that in mind,I think it's time you took her out for a night.Uh date if you will.A full three course dinner should suffice very well.Good luck.

Shio:Good luck!

Soma:So explain why the hell I'm here.Hey yuu,you can't just force jobs on me!

Dr Sakaki:Ah so you're recruit Soma did you?Truly proof of your leadership!Well done!I suppose you won't be able to resist now, will you, Soma?

Soma:Damn you old man.

Dr Sakaki:Lovely!Now, go forth and feast! I put my faith in you.

Shio:Thank you much! Doctor? Uh..... What's a date mean?

Dr Sakaki:It's a joyous occasion for all!

Shio:Sound delicious! I'm ready for some joyous occasion!

Yuu:Good let's go hunt some ogretail.


At forgotten carrier

Kota:So we need to hunt some aragami and give it to Shio.

Yuu:Yep,That's it.

Soma:I don't have time for this let's finish it quick.

They attack that aragami until that aragami die.

Shio:Let's eat!It's time to eat! Oh, wait, wait , wait... Soma! Soma, you wanna come eat too?

Kota:Hehe, whoa there Shio.We don't eat aragami. We're human, you see?

Shio:Human... But.... Um.. Soma aragami says he's hungry and he want to eat.

Kota:What the!?

Soma:Shut up! That's I'm not a monster like you!

Kota:The hell man.

Soma:Just be silence for once! I'm so sick of this!

Shio walk to Soma.

Shio:Soma!Um...I was alone for a long time.I didn't have anybody at all... So now.... Um, is that right? So now... So now I'm happy. Because I found you, Soma. I'm happy because I found all of you.My friends. And because I.... So... So now, I get to... Um.... So now...

Soma keep walking and ignoring shio.

Kota:Hey, Soma get back here! Come on! Be moodier, Soma, damn.

Yuu:We shouldn't talk to him right now Kenta told me once if Soma get mad don't talk to him just talk to him when his fine and he has a secret.

Kota:What? You know something?

Yuu tell Kota that story.

Kota:Wow... that's just... So I guess that makes him God eater, huh? The basis of all this, of God arcs worse, the poor guy thinks he killed his own mother? Just by being born? That's awful... How long has he been carrying that around? How long has he held it in?

Next day at Dr sakaki room.

Dr Sakaki:Sorry for summoning you like this, but you see... I have a problem. And it is well beyond my experience as a man of science. Would you mind helping to dress shio?

Sakuya:Sorry, once more... You want to dress her?

Dr sakaki:I've tried endless approaches, each a tragic failure. She does not seem to be privy to my fashion sense.

Shio:No no no! No more scratchy and coarse!

Dr sakaki :As I said. So lacking other operatives of note,I decide to seek help from the branch ladies.

Soma:So then why the hell did you summon me? *sigh*Damn you, old man.

Kota:Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be next to useless. My style is unique. And bugarally was getting good, Peace!

Soma and Kota leaves.

Aki:Boys always useless.

Yuu and Kenta:*cough cough*.


Sakuya:Well,I'll see if I can dress her in something a little less... rags... Come on shio let's try some stuff!

Shio:What are we gonna try?

Sakuya:Doctor we're gonna borrow this room for a while. Alisa, Aki would you two helping me out?

Aki and Alisa:Alright.

As they entering the room Dr sakaki, Kenta and Yuu talk to each other.

Dr sakaki :I think the most interesting quality is Shio genetic makeup. So adaptable, so diverse. It might go a long way in securing a bright new future for humanity.

Suddenly they hear sound from that room.

Yuu:What just happen?

Kenta:Yeah you guys looks mess up.

Alisa:Uh... Shio may have, uh...

Sakuya:Crush through the wall and fled.


Yuu:Oh my god... Seriously you guys.

Dr sakaki:Ah yes, a bright new future indeed.I hate to pull you guys off any pressing missions but I think it critical that you two bring her back safe and... Now.

Kenta:I will call Kota and Soma.

Yuu:Let's go Kenta.

Next part:Shio song

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