Immortal Aragami

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Soma extract the core from that aragami and Kota say to everyone.

Kota:Well, that's really tough you know. I'm just impressed. I mean, it's super rare right? We did pretty damn good for the first time fighting it.

Yuu:Mission complete.

Alisa:Let's head before we get roped into something else.

Yuu, Kenta and Soma:Agreed.

Aki:I'm tired you know.

Kota:Hey, hold up guys! I wasn't done poking it yet. It's new!

Kenta:What do you mean this is new we defeat director which harder from this.

They doesn't realise that aragami wake up. Alisa who's talking to Kota see what happen.

Alisa:Seriously Kota, No! Look behind you!

Soma:The hell!


Kota:What is it?

Kota turning his back and see that aragami wake up and trying to attack him.

Kota:Whoa, my god!

Yuu:Kota, Stay away from that!

Yuu running and using his shield to help Kota. That aragami launch that attack to Yuu god arc and make him pass out.


Kenta:It's impossible! I thought that...

Soma:We tore out the core! How is it still moving? I know we tore out the core!

Aki:Time for questions later Soma.

Alisa:Kota get Yuu back. We gotta move.

Kota:On my way.

Soma:Fall back guys...let's go!

Kenta:HQ, we are retreating. This aragami is too much for us to handle.

Before they go Kenta and that aragami staring to each other eye to eye and make Kenta shock.


Soma:Kenta, what are you waiting for let's go.

They leave and come back to Fenrir and take Yuu to the medic room.
Yuu wake up and see himself at the hospital. Alisa really happy and hug Yuu.

Alisa:Yuu, I was so worried you wouldn't come back to us.

Yuu:It's not like I'm going to die.

Soma:It's about you got up. I knew you'd survive. Nothing short of a God itself is gonna take you down.

Kota who sleeping make many sound.

Kota:Zzz, ngh! *mumble mumble*twice the kitten squared... Zzz.

Soma:I know you, you're gonna risk your life and limb for people like him, and that's fine. Just be smart. We don't need another Lindow.

Soma get out from medic room.

Alisa:He's glad too, just differently. We all are.



Alisa:Sorry,just one quick second. Wake up, for heaven sake!

Kota:Aaah! I'm up I'm up now! I heard everything... We're all thankful, Soma still weird... We're good. Well all but your god arc. That kinda busted when you saved me.

Alisa:Ye... Yeah. Something happened when the aragami hit. Licca and Kenta was talking about damage to the core. They said it'd be a while before it's operational.

Kota:Speaking of Kenta don't you feel weird how he doesn't talk too much after we hunt that aragami.

Yuu:Wait, what happen?

Aki:Kenta act weirdly after we arrive at Den. I don't know what happen to him.

Kota:Anyway, Tsubaki was all thankful. She said something about paid leave. I didn't really get it, but you can't fight anyway, so... Vacation!

Yuu:Alright then if you said so.

They heard announcement.

Attention this is priority message to the 1st,2nd,and 3rd unit.Report to the director office. The hannibal combat briefing will begin in five minutes.

Aki:At the time like this. I hate it.

Alisa:We should get going. But we'll be back really soon. Promise, just take a little rest.

Yuu:Alright, Good luck everyone.

They all come out from medic room.

Yuu:Maybe i should rest.

Next part:The Den Under Attack

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