Final Redemption

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Ichijo:You think when you change your cloth and you god arc I'm gonna fear you. Hah, think again.

Kenta walking slowly remember all of his sin at that place.

Kenta:All of my sin. My parents, Raymond and Lindow. I always think why they die. I never find the true answer but I realise they die to protect others. Their sacrifice is to make people safe. I... Will finish what you start.

Ichijo:Well done young man. You're drama is really touching but sadly I will send you the same place I send them.

Kenta:I'm ready whatever it cost I will defeat you with my own god arc.

Ichijo:Get ready!

Kenta jump and go to Ichijo with lightning speed. A few attack after a few attack it still not enough to defeat Ichijo.


Ichijo:How's that feel Kenta. You must be hurt don't you. I suggest you stop. It's useless to attack me.

Kenta:I will never give up even my life at stakes.

Kenta continue to strike and give pressure to Ichijo until Ichijo weak.

Ichijo:Nghh! How you? I thought my power is stronger.

Kenta:You doesn't have one power. It's family power. They help you give power and passion you never through you have.

Ichijo:I don't want to hear anything from you now die!

Kenta:Are you ready Omega?

Omega:I always ready.

Kenta:Let's do this. OMEGA... AWAKENING.

Ichijo:No one told me that Omega can be that so much powerful.

Omega:I can't achieve this power if I was alone Ichijo. I can achieve this power when Kenta and I together as one.

Ichijo:Like I care I will defeat you two and become the strongest creature than ever exist.

Kenta rush to Ichijo and kill him.

Ichijo:How? How? Impossible.

Kenta make Ichijo body split into two parts

Kenta:Rest in hell...


Kenta:(Dad, Mom, Raymond I did it. I finally defeat him. Now, rest in peace.)

Omega:Kenta... You did it.


Kenta:Are you ready to devour this mad guy Omega?

Omega:Of course I'm ready.

Kenta devour Ichijo and turn himself to human again.

Kenta:Please remind me don't you use that form again.

Omega:I know but I think now there is few things left you need to do.

Kenta:You doesn't need to tell me that.

Everyone rushing to Kenta and hug him.


Sakuya:Stupid! Don't do that again if you want to life.

Kenta:Sorry, everyone I make you guys worried.

Aki really scare to confront Kenta after what she's done.


Aki:I still can't forgive myself for what I've done.

Kenta:But I do.

Aki:How can you still forgive me? How?

Kenta:Everyone deserve the second chance and it's include you.

Aki turn her back and hug Kenta.

Aki:I'm so sorry.

Kenta:It's okay. Don't do it next time will you?

Aki:I will never waste this chance anymore.


When they got to the place. There are already people waiting for him to be interrogated. There is Director from every branch  in that room.

Director (A)branch:Kenta has arrive everyone.

Director (S) branch:You know why are you here doesn't you Kenta.

Kenta:I know and I will accept that punishment even death.

Director(M) Branch:We will discuss and determine whether you will be punish or not. You can come out now.

Kenta:Thank you Director.

Director(C) branch:What should we do with him right now?

Director(A) branch:He just safe everyone life just now.

Director(S) branch:But that's not an excuse for not accepting punishment he almost kill a few person.

A few hours later.

Director(M) branch:Everyone, are you sure this is what you guys want?If you do bring him in now.

Kenta come to that room with fear in his face.

Director(M) branch:We already discussed it and we already make our decision,we will not punish you for what you've done but from now on you need to repair every god arc with Licca. We realise we can't waste your potential as the guy who can touch every god arc.

Kenta:Thank you everyone I will never forget this.

Director(M) branch:Of course you will.

Everyone waiting in the meeting room waited for him with fear.

Kenta:Everyone I don't get any punishment. Except one.

Aki:What is it?

Kenta:I need to repair your guys god arc if it's broken.

Yuu:What about your god arc?

Kenta:My old god arc already death may it rest in peace.

Everyone hug him with happiness.

Next part:3rd Arc

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