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Alisa:Can you stop that.

Kota:Why?It was fun.

Aki:Kenta tell us to teach her properly.

Kota:Yeah because he's your boyfriend that's why you listen to him.

Aki:What no.*Blush*

Sakuya:You know Aki you should be with 1st unit I mean you always go to the mission With us.

Aki:Yes I actually ask permission from director to go to the 1st unit it because I want to be with Kenta but.....

Kota:Wait what did you just say!?

Aki:No nothing.

Shio:Aki love Kenta.

Aki:No shio don't be ridiculous please.

Kota:Looks like someone in love.

Someone open the door


Kenta:You teach her that word.

Kota:Haha of course.

Kenta:That's ridiculous.

Shio:Shio want to tell Kenta something.

Kenta:What is it?

Aki:(Please shio don't tell him)

Shio:Shio.... Hungry.

Kenta:Oh you're hungry take this.


Kenta:Why you feel relieve?


Kota:Let's continue Shio.Say yo.


Alisa:No,Shio you doesn't want to be idiot like Kota.

Kota:Wait what?

Alisa:Shio.Good afternoon.

Shio:Good afternoon.

Alisa:Good job Shio.

Shio:Alisa said Good job is that mean good when someone said good job.

Yuu:Yeah it's good.

Shio:Hehehe he.

Kenta:Finally Shio have many friend.

Dr Sakaki:You guys should engage her with the conversation like this.Even so she's quite a fast learner,this child!
She's survived a dog eat dog world.all the white armed with such intelligence.She must been starving after all conversation.

Kenta:That's why I brought food.

Dr Sakaki:You always know what to do.Listen can I ask you one thing?

Kenta:What is it?

Dr Sakaki:Can you please give me last chance I promise if I betray you again you can hate me anytime.

Kenta:I always forgive you doctor because I always assume you as my father.You're one of the guy who help me here.

Dr Sakaki:Thank you I will not waste it this time.

Kenta:From now on no more secret between us.

Dr Sakaki:Your bet.

Kenta:He.. You still same old man Sakaki.Anyway I come here to tell you guys that we have another mission.And the thing that make me really weird is the director give this letter to Aki.

Aki:Did you read it?


Aki:Let me read this wait what?

Kota:What is it?

Aki:I just been transfer to the 1st unit yay.

Kenta:Why she so happy about that?

Kota:I don't know to say that you're dumb or not.

Yuu:Congratulations.Welcome to this family although you already being part of our family.

Kenta:Let's go to the mission now.But wait who gonna take care of Shio?

Sakuya:Let me and Alisa do it you guys can go to the mission.

Yuu:So what aragami?

Kenta:Just 2 quadriga.

Kota:Wait 2 are you kidding me it's too much.

Yuu:How are you not worry?

Kenta:Because I know we can do it.

Yuu:Your right we can do it as a captain I was the one who should courage people but I don't do that I'm sorry.

Kenta:It's okay people learn everyday to become better and better.

Yuu:Now let's defeat that aragami attack!

Kenta:Alright captain.



That aragami launch attack to Aki but Kenta see that.

Kenta:Aki your back*Slash*Auch.. Damn that hurt.

Aki:Are you okay I'm sorry.

Kenta:I'm fine you should focus on your position okay.*smile*

After a long time they finally defeat that aragami.

Yuu:I'm dead.


Yuu:You know Alisa she always worry about me and now I have 5 scratch from that aragami what do you think she will do?

Kenta:She will say who did it and take emergency aid box to wrap you again.

Kota:Remember the last time that happen?

Kenta:I know I even post it on my status.

Aki:Boys,are you guys done?

Kota:Look at your girlfriend Kenta look.

Kenta:Like I said we're just friend.

Aki:(But I never thought you as my friend is it too hard to say you love me as well).*angry*

Kenta:Why she angry without any reason?

Kota:I don't know.Let's go home Shio waiting for us.

Yuu:Yep let's go.

Next part:Shio and Soma

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