Into Aegis

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Meanwhile Sakuya go to the aegis island to investigate all director secret alone.

Sakuya:Security is growing tighter around here... That must mean I'm getting close. The core must be nearby. I can't see anything. What... Is all this?

Suddenly she see blaster laser come to her.

Alisa:Phew, That was close.

Sakuya:Alisa, how did you know I'm here.

Alisa:Yuu tell this to me. I hope you didn't think you were just gonna leave us behind. No way in hell was gonna let you rush in here alone.


They hear siren

Director:Welcome to the aegis. I had feeling it would be you two. So tell me, what do you think? Are you crushed that's it's nothing like the paradise you were sold? Hehehe.

Sakuya:Director Schiksal... You lied. You deceived us for years... What is all this?

Director:Lindow must have found the way in, hm? I doubt you could have done it alone. It's such a shame. He had potential. His will be a loss that I will not forget. Truly a terrible day.

Sakuya:Don't you dare talk about him, you traitor! You're responsible for all of this!

Director:No point in denying the truth. Dear Lindow had another master, and I couldn't risk getting bitten. There was too much at stake here. Too much to let him ruin it. He acted rashly and too soon. We couldn't allow word of the Ark project to break these walls, not without the key well in hand. Without control over the devouring apocalypse, there is no point to any of this. Aragami will purge this world, wreath flame and death,and then, like the phoenix, allow it to rise again in glory!From birth, to death, unto birth. A complete regeneration. All species eradicated to the last. History rewritten in a searing flash of light. Save those on this Ark. They will be free from the end, each soul conveying humanity's DNA and our species legacy into the new world!Unfortunately, this Ark can only carry so many, space is precious, and time is growing more so. There are only so many berths into mankind's next stage. Is not just for the common to give their lives, so the best may continue on?

Sakuya:You want to repopulate the earth with your chosen people? You're more a beast than an aragami!

Director:Who better than us, Miss Tachibana? It's a shame though. Hahaha! Such a damned shame. You both have gone and gotten yourselves crossed off the list, haven't you? Hahaha! I'm terribly sorry, but you cannot leave this place.

Alisa:Oh, were... Were you expecting something? I went out of my way to destroy all your safeguards.

Director:Clever... And problematic. It seems I have no other option but you have you kill one another. I was hoping it would not come to this.

They see Dr Oguruma in the ashes coming out.

Dr Oguruma:It's been a while, Alisa. This is your fault. Wouldn't it have been better to just slip into death? If that coma had lasted forever? Clearly you still have some passion. Why deny it? If you're so eager to kill once more, I'll gladly lend a hand.

Alisa:What are you... Wait... No!

Dr Oguruma:Odin...Dva!Tri!

Alisa lost the control and aim her blaster to Sakuya.

Sakuya:Alisaaaa!Don't give it Alisa! Don't! You're stronger than this. Stronger than him! You always have been! You didn't kill Lindow. You fought it then!

Dr oguruma:Hahaha! Pretty words, Sakuya, but you must have lost your damned mind! Hahaha... What the hell!?

Aki:Sorry to let you down... You think I'm not coming as well doesn't you.

Sakuya:What makes you so late.


Dr oguruma:Damnit you two!

Sakuya:Goodbye Dr oguruma.

They escape from that place.

Director:Do I not already have enough to worry about? Damn them...

Sakuya call Kenta, Soma and Yuu and tell them the story.

Sakuya:So that's the truth... The aegis project, the Ark... All of it.That sheet before you is the list on every eligible passenger approved to board the Ark. You will find each of your names on there. Anyone related up to second degree can board that monstrosity and sail it into safety. Of course, Alisa and I were struck from their number. We knew what would happen when we tried to infiltrate Aegis. If the Director's plan come to fruition, you'll be saved. And I way, that makes me happy. But Alisa and I are fugitives now. Certainly as far as Fenrir and the branch are concerned.

Kota:A lie... It can't be a lie. We put so much... So much faith in this! Aegis was meant to protect us. It has to!

Soma:I was never going to do what that tyrant commanded. Not like I'd be on the list. I'm half aragami. They don't want me in their new world. There's no way they let me survive a day. I'm already impure.

Sakuya:Your name is there, Soma. He's the director, but he still your father. I don't think he can Stop loving you.

Soma:Damn him...

Sakuya:I just want to be clear. I refuse to let this Ark begin its voyage. I refuse.

Alisa:Me too! This isn't about lying or criminal charges or anything like that. This is just wicked!

Aki:We're going to stay hidden, stay underground as long as we can before we strike the Aegis again.

Sakuya:We... Wanted you all to know.
I won't force you into anything. I think you should make up your own minds. And even you choose to join with Schiksal, even if you fight against us, you are still our friends.

Alisa:But if you get in our way, we will tear you apart!


Alisa:Joking, joking... Mostly. Still, I don't fight you, any of you. I hope you'll come to our side.

Sakuya:We've been on too long already. We must disconnect. Think hard, and have no regrets.

Kota:I'm sorry I let you guys down.
I'm going to board the ark. I want to protect my family. That's why I have to.

Kenta:We can't stop you if that what you want.

Yuu:What are you going to do Kenta?

Kenta:I will fight that director. I mean I was the one who starting this and I will be the one that gonna end this...Even it's only me.

Soma:I'm with you I will not let that guy destroy my family.


Soma:You always said we're family we win together we lose together.

Kenta:Now it's up to you, Yuu.

Yuu:I... Choose...

Next part:Chosen one

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