Today's Goodbye

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Director:That speed.

Kenta:This is my true power.Now just die you piece of garbage!

Director:That impossible how could I. How could I being defeated by such fools as these. I thought we're on the same page Kenta. Your power can bring everyone one step ahead.

Kenta:It's never been. This power is curse for me. Even though this is my true power it's never give me one thing happiness that I wants to achieve.

The director and aragami fall down.

Kota:Guys, that's monstrosity we can't stop it!

Alisa:What should we do?

Sakuya:Don't give there must be other way.

Director:(Evil laugh) it's no use and it can't be stop.

Dr Sakaki:For once, I'll be assertive it's impossible.

Soma:I will not accept that this, old man! There must be a way... Any way!

Dr Sakaki:I wish I could make it better, Soma. I do. Nova is overflowing spring the river has broken the levee and will drown us all.

Sakuya:No I will not let it.

Dr Sakaki:The stars will be reborn. The aragami will end all things... There was nothing we could do after all, even from the start.


Aki:How can this happen?

Soma:No, I refuse to believe it.

Director:You must hurry Soma, you must go. Take your comrade to... to the Ark. Please... My child.

Sakuya:Director, no!

Director:Don't you see? There was never a place for me upon that ship.. There was never a new world awaiting for me... I tore the sky and rent the seas. I have no right to another I can merely see it and weep.
You are the final step. And no one better, Soma... No one better than you.

Dr Sakaki:In the end, we could only search for the answers, Aisha. We could find none. Forgive us this terrible war.

Suddenly shio starts to glowing and say something to them.

Shio:Thank you.


Shio:Thank you all of you.

Soma:Shio, please tell me it's you shio.

Dr Sakaki:It's impossible how can she still there her individually, her humanity, it.. It is absorbed by the Nova, taken with her core, it... It's unbelievable.

Shio:Everyone I know you guys worry about me but I can end this.

Shio take that nova with her to the moon

Kenta:But you will he alone Shio!

Aki:We doesn't want too leave you.

Soma:Please don't Shio...

Shio:Everyone, thank you for everything. Shio will never forget you guys.

Yuu:Shio... Are you serious?

Shio:Yes. For the first time I understand. I understand what you guys taught me. Kenta, Yuu, Kota, Sakuya, Alisa, Aki and Soma. Thank you for teaching Shio all this time. I will never forget the act of living someone, the act of dying someone and the act of forgiving someone. Each one of you is connected to someone else. This my final goodbye everyone because I love the shape you've all taken.

Alisa:You didn't do good job, Shio.

Shio:Hehe, for real... I'm sorry. Soma sorry if it doesn't taste good. We're always be together even we're apart.

Everyone with sad face. While Kenta who see every lost know how it feels. He strong more than anyone else. With the unwill feeling.

Kenta:Soma, devour.

Soma devour Shio body.

Shio start to go the moon.Soma hold tight his hand. Kenta pat his shoulder and smile to him giving him sign that all thing is over.

Kenta pov

People keep asking me how can I doesn't give up even after I lose many things in my life. They are right, I lose everything. I lose my parents, I lose my friends and I lose my mentor,but I realise there is few things I doesn't lose yet which is hope and the other member that support me at the back.

Next part:Road to the 2nd arc:Raymond and Kenta

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