Finally Meet

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Yuu:(Where is my instructor)

Hibari:Hey Lindow,Director tell me if I see you,you need to see him.

Lindow:Just say that you don't see me okay.

Yuu:So you are my instructor.

Lindow:Yes I am but I shouldn't be alone today.Wait I'm going to make a call.

Lindow is calling Kenta but Kenta doesn't answer.

Lindow:I'm thinking what he do why he doesn't even pickup my call.


Kenta:Hello....... Who is it?

Lindow:Wait are you sleeping.*Angry*

Kenta:Yeah why did you call is there something important.*Still half sleep*

Lindow:You know what you can't get up if i talk to you like this so I must use this way.

Kenta:What way?

Lindow:I said wake up is that too hard!!!!!!!!! *angry*


Lindow:(I think he wake up now).

Kenta talking to himself

Kenta:Damn since when he become this strict I mean come on he never angry to me or maybe this is really important.Wait why I'm babbling too much maybe I should get ready now.

At the elevator.......

All 2nd unit member inside that elevator and guess what girl that Kenta hate on that elevator as well.

Kenta:(come on seriously why they in same elevator with me i mean I'm ok with everyone except for that girl of course)

Tatsumi and Brendan:Hey you are late or what?

Kenta:Why you're guys ask me like that?

Tatsumi:I don't know maybe it just fate that make you meet that girl at the same time at the same place.

The elevator arrive.....

Kenta:Anyway guys if you guys doesn't want to get punch by me I suggest you guys to shut up ok.*Fake smile*.*pull Tatsumi and Brendan shirt.

Tatsumi and Brendan:Okay. Damn he so strict.

Kenta:I'm sorry I'm late.

Lindow:I don't know that method working.

Kenta:Thanks to you my ear is damaged you know.

Lindow:Anyway,rook can you introduce yourself.

Yuu:My name is Yuu Kannagi and I'm 16 years old the reason I become god eater is because I want to take revenge on aragami who kill both of my parents.

Kenta silent without any word.....

Lindow:Kenta are you ok.

Kenta:Yeah yeah I'm fine I'm fine.Oh yeah my name is Kenta Kazuma.You can call me Kenta. I'm 18 years old.I'm one of your instructor.

Lindow:My name is Lindow Amamiya
Im 26 years old and I'm your superior officer on paper but I don't like that formal.

Kenta:You never like formal don't you.

Lindow:Anyway let's go on mission now.

Kenta:Are you ready to take on this challenge Yuu.

Yuu:I'm ready now let's go.

Lindow and Kenta:That's the passion that we want.

Lindow:Let's attack it.

Kenta:Time to slash some aragami.

Lindow and Kenta:Now it's up to you rookie devour it!!!

Yuu:Alright Devour!!!

Kenta:You are great Yuu.*give him high five*

Yuu:Thank you it's because you and Lindow who help me.

Lindow:We just slash that thing but you are the one who devour it.

After come back To den Kenta see Licca and ask her about his god arc.

Kenta:Licca did you know what happen to my god arc.

Licca:I just check it nothing abnormal thing happen.

Kenta:That's weird when I use that earlier it told me something.

Licca:Is anyone else know about this?

Kenta:No I don't plan to tell anyone about this yet. But it become weird since that dream happen.

Licca:I guess it just your imagination.

Kenta:You're right. Maybe I just need some rest.

[Veteran section]

Lindow:How do you think about rookie performance.

Kenta:He's great.

Lindow:I totally forget I want to ask you one question why did you silent when rookie say about why he become god eater?

Kenta:I'm just thinking what if he become just like me.I mean you know what I'm saying right.

Lindow:I know but it was long ago.

Kenta:I think this is fate.I meet the new type guy who have same problem just like myself.

Lindow:See I'm sorry if my question is a little bit rough for you to answer.

Kenta:It's fine.Thanks.

Lindow:Why did you thanks me for?

Kenta:For make me know about life again without you maybe I'm still in  revenge thing.

Lindow:Listen,We are family and we always protect each other don't you forget that.

Lindow and Kenta done talking to each other and finally go back to their own room.

Next part:Prepare yourself

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