The Biggest Threat

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Back to the Den.

Yuu:Kota, how many time I told you don't take my cloth for your status.

Kota:You have cool cloth.

Alisa come to them.

Alisa:What are you guys doing?

Kota:I'm just teasing Yuu a little bit.

Yuu:That's not funny Kota.

Soma:This two really dumb.

Kota:Anyway where is Aki and Sakuya?

Soma:Are you forget about today.

Kota:What? What happen today?

Soma:Huh, today is Kenta birthday. So Sakuya and Aki go to the cliff and visit him.

Yuu:How can you guys be so sure that he already death I mean we can't even see his death body.

Kota:I don't know. Maybe someone just take his body.

Soma:Who the hell want to take his body anyway.

Alisa:Guys, stop that.

Suddenly Tsubaki call them for meeting.

Yuu:Meeting room.

When they come they already see Sakuya and Aki.



Sakuya:You guys late.

Tsubaki:Alright everyone here. I'm sorry I'm calling you guys on this special day,but there is more important mission.

Aki:What is it anyway?

Tsubaki:I'm sure you guys already see this aragami.


Soma:So what should we do now?

Tsubaki:Your mission is to defeat him no matter what.

Yuu:This is the chance.

Sakuya:To avenge his death.

Old city

Ichijo:What I just see right now.


Ichijo:Sakuya, I guess there is reason to get mad easily.

Aki:I will kill you dad!

Ichijo:That's my princess. Just don't be like you're brother.

Soma:I will never forgive for what you did to him!

Ichijo:Soma... Soma... Soma like father like son always try to achieve things but always fail.

Kota:Our friendship is stronger than everything.

Ichijo:So you guys think working together can finish me.

Alisa:We gonna try it if we don't want to know.

Ichijo:Oh really, hahaha you guys make me laugh by your stupid passion.

Yuu:For Kenta, we gonna fight.

Ichijo:I love your friendship but it's gonna end now!

Ichijo turn himself to aragami.

Ichijo:Time to combine Sigma!

Alisa:No way!



Kota:It's impossible.

Aki:Is that my dad..

Yuu:Guys don't let that distract you guys.

Ichijo:Yuu Kannagi you never understand this kind of power no one can defeat me.

Yuu:Everyone let's launch attack to that Aragami. Together we are...

Everyone:GOD EATER!

With their passion on fire they attack Ichijo with all their power just to realise it make him stronger.

Ichijo:Oh, how cute is that the only thing you guys can do.

Sakuya:We will never give up.

Ichijo:Still standing you're really a piece of garbage.

Aki shoot her bullet to Ichijo.

Aki:Don't attack her dad attack me.

Ichijo take Aki.

Ichijo:Heh, you are naive Aki. You know why I kick you with your brother because I know you two will be useless and always stood in my way to destroy the world. Now die just like your brother!

Ichijo trying to throw Aki away suddenly someone just come out of nowhere and safe Aki.


That guy wearing a mask.

Sakuya:Who are you?

Ichijo:Who the hell are you and how dare you ruin my plan?

???:You really wants to know who am I? Fine then you get me Ichijo.

That guy open a mask and make everyone shock.


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Sakuya:Ken... Kenta!

Ichijo:You still alive! How! How!

Kenta:I will be the one who's gonna end this nightmare once and for all.

Next part:Final redemption

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