The Truth

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Tsubaki just settle meeting with Yuu and Sakuya.

Tsubaki:You may leave now Yuu Kannagi.


Tsubaki:Sakuya hold on I want talk to you.


Tsubaki:Sakuya take some time off

Sakuya:No I'm fine.

Tsubaki:Sakuya have you been looking at mirror lately.You don't have enough sleep.As Lindow sister I'm happy that you care so much about him but not as your superior officer if you're not in the top condition you only bring on death you understand.

Sakuya:Yes,I wasn't thinking.

Tsubaki:Lastly... a word of warning you need to depend more on those around you. Understood?

Sakuya:I try to do better.

Sakuya go to her room and remember her memories with Lindow.


Lindow:Hey Sakuya you there?

Sakuya:I'm sorry to say this but can you atleast knocking before going to my room

Lindow:Heh,I'm sorry.

Sakuya:You come here just to take a beer right.

Lindow:Oh come on you not drink that beer don't you.But listen how about a trade you can take
New type giant  corn of the cob.

Sakuya:No way.

End of flashback

Sakuya go to the fridge to take one can of beer suddenly she saw something drop from that fridge.

Sakuya:What's this?But that's Lindow armlet?That day was full of anomalies to begin with..... almost unnatural.The mix up over commands and something not right with Alisa.Oh the record from that mission have been deleted!Lindow what's going on here?

Suddenly her room door just open.

Yuu:Sakuya are you okay you look shock.

Sakuya:Oh it's you I'm fine.

Yuu:Kenta tell me to visit you he's really busy with another mission right now.

Sakuya:Tell him my regard.

Yuu:Not only that I'm here to tell you something about Alisa.

Yuu tell Sakuya everything that happen.

Sakuya:I see, Alisa.Thanks for letting me know Yuu.But really to think about that you can communicate by touching I wonder that's a power you new types share.Please stay by her side will you.

Yuu:Kenta give me the same order as you.Yes I will be on her side.

Sakuya:Can I visit Alisa as well.

Yuu:Yes you can let's go.

Yuu and Sakuya come to sick bay to visit Alisa.

Alisa:What are you doing here.

Sakuya:it's okay Alisa I'm not here to blame.To be honest I still can't accept what you did but that also precisely why I want to know what it's is that making me so uneasy.I heard about your past.... I know it's hard thing that I'm asking you to do...

Alisa:Should I tell her?

Yuu:Yes just trust her.

Alisa:Did you know that I'm being treated regularly for mental health issues?

Sakuya:Yes I know.

Alisa:After my parents were killed,I was mentally unstable and spent the next few years in the hospital.But then one day.I was told that Fenrir had chosen me as a a newspaper type candidate and so I was forcibly transferred from my own hospital to a Fenrir hospital.

Sakuya:You were....

Alisa:No it's alright.The new doctor took such a care of me and I thought I can have a chance to avenge my parents death.After that I was put on medication to keep my symptoms in check, and I studied the enemy.... and how to fight.The new doctor at Fenrir was so kind to me all this time.He even had himself transferred to the Far East branch with me when even when I left.

Sakuya:So this doctor is still at the Den,right.

Alisa:Yes you all know him it's Doctor Oguruma.

Sakuya:I see I'm sorry please continue.

Alisa:While continuing my metal health treatment.I search for the aragami that kill my parent's the doctor showed me which one it was.
I heard that this aragami had appeared in the Far East Branch area.
I came here vowing to find it no matter what and when just when I finally found it.I don't know how it happened!In that moment,in my mind,Lindow had become my enemy!
Before I knew it I was pointing my gun at him.*cry*

Sakuya:I'm sorry made you through that.Thank you, Alisa.I'll come again.See you later Yuu.


Alisa:What.... Should I do?

Yuu:Just rest take all negativity out ok I know you can do it.

Alisa:Alright I try thank you for stay with me I'm feeling more better now.


At veteran section

Kenta:Why did you call me Sakuya.

Sakuya:Kenta listen I want you to be vice captain for the 1st unit.


Sakuya:I can't do this anymore.They need someone who strong enough to protect them.I always think about Lindow until I make them almost die.Can I trust you to take that vice captain role.

Kenta:You can trust me.

Sakuya:Good now go back to your room.

Kenta:(I know that she still sad it's okay Sakuya I will not let you down).

Next part:The power to protect

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