Order Accomplished

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That Aragami dissappear and turn into black liquid and start to come towards them.

Kenta:Guys, this is not a good sign I think?

Lindow:All right... It was all fun and games. Now it's starting to piss me off.

Yuu:This thing doesn't know how to give up.

Lindow:This beast doesn't want to let me go. You ordered me not to run away, so you're with me, aren't you? Until the bitter end. Brace.

That black liquid turn back into Aragami for a second time.

Kenta:Damn, that Aragami surely has bad smell.

That Aragami attack them and they can't do anything except defend themselves.



Kenta:Crap! What should we do now!? I don't want to die young! I want a wife and kids before I die!

Lindow:I'm not done. I'm going home. Alive. No matter what happens!

Ren:If that is your wish...

Ren sacrifice himself to save everyone by letting himself get stab by that Aragami.

Lindow:You... You really are my...

Ren:So, we finally get a moment to speak. From my voice to yours. I always wanted to do this. To speak to you. There are so many things I'd hoped to say. But most important think, is that I remember it all. Every moment. Every feeling. Every change. I remember your fear on your first day. Your grief at the loss of friends. I remember every twist of your heart when you told them to go. When you saved them. I've been so proud, in every moment, to serve as your god arc. Lindow.

Lindow:And I'm proud to have you. I could not have survived a day without you at my side. You... I cannot thank you though.

Kenta:(Don't cry.... Don't cry don't cry please don't cry.)

Ren:But you already have. Your presence was reward enough for a lifetime. Your love, Lindow.

After Ren finish that Aragami he thanks both Kenta and Yuu for helping him.

Ren:I owe you two my thanks. Every experience I've had is yours. From the bottom of my heart. I was happy to have moment alongside you two. Happy to fight with you. It was... It was fun! Even after I'd broken into this new form. I knew... I knew it would be okay and omega thank you for letting Kenta see me and I owe you thanks as well. I love everything including love juice, it's better than Aragami. And believe me, I've had my share. Hehehe. This chance means the world me... This meeting... My friend. I wish we had world enough and time... I wish we could talk for days... We would fill every hours. I think it's my time to go.Goodbye. Well, not quite, I will see you soon.

Lindow:Thank you, thank you my partner. I see you soon, my partner.

Kenta:Come on you two please don't make me cry. You know my heart is weak right?

Ren leave Lindow body.

2 weeks later

The Den Medic room

Kenta wake up and feels pain on his head.

Kenta:Where... Where am I? I feel dizzy.

Kota:Hey, he finally wake up.

Yuu:It takes you 2 weeks to wake up. You must hurt your body so much.

Lindow:It's okay man as long as you still alive.

Kenta:I'm glad to see you again Lindow.

Sakuya:Thanks god, you still alive.

Kenta:What happen after that incident?

Soma:You guys just on coma. Yuu and Lindow wake up 1 week ago.

Kenta:Oh, I see.

Suddenly Aki and Tsubaki enter Medic Room. Aki without embarrass hugging Kenta.

Aki:I miss you so much. Please don't leave me.

Kenta:I'm fine don't worry. Aki, you're choking me...


Lindow:Speaking about that... Since when you two starts dating. I mean I just lost for a few month and I already miss something that I really wants to see.

Kenta:That was a long story.

Tsubaki:Oh I forget one thing.

Tsubaki slap Kenta face.

Kenta:Big sis, what's that slap for?

Tsubaki:Next time don't do anything stupid again. How many time you want to kill yourself!?

Kenta:Auch. That's hurt. We get Lindow's back to the Den right?Don't need to yell at me like that.

Tsubaki:How dare you answering my question like that.

Kenta:Wait... Wait... Wait I can explain...

Tsubaki give Kenta another double slap.

Lindow:See, that's what you get when you mess with big sis.

Kenta:Wait..... I also forget something.

Kenta punch Lindow face straight away.

Lindow:What's the problem?

Kenta:It's not my fault. Your fault for saying I'm trouble a few years ago.

Lindow:So you know after all.

Kenta:I always know Lindow.

Few months later

Clerical marriage:Now, you two are husband and wife.

Lindow:Thank you for choosing me Sakuya.

Sakuya:And thank you for choosing me as well.

While they we were walking after their married,Lindow's trick Kenta with some question.

Lindow:Hey, we're done now... So when are you gonna get married?

Kenta:That's a question that I can't give you the answer. Not yet maybe later.

Lindow:Hey.... Just answer me.

Kenta:Shut up Lindow!

Sakuya:Just like family.

Aki:Everyone just reunite again.

Yuu:I really hope that everything is over now.

Alisa:Yeah, hopefully.

Well...... It's not.

Next arc:4th arc

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