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Kenta:So why did you call us here Old man Sakaki?

Dr Sakaki:Of course we doesn't have any stock food for shio and we doesn't have anything left except...

Kenta:An aragami I understand.

Yuu:So who's gonna join us for today?

Dr Sakaki:Good question Yuu it will be Sakuya, Alisa and Aki.

Kenta:Well it's better than nothing.

Yuu:Typical Kenta.

Kenta:Since when you learn to rude with me.

Sakuya:Hi, you two we're already here.

Kenta:Good, let's go.

Shio:Shio wants to follow.

Aki:Can she?

Kenta:Fine, but don't make any trouble okay.

Shio:Shio promise.

At forgotten carrier

Alisa:So, What's aragami?

Kenta:Sariel but don't worry we got this.

Aki:Yeah, especially when I know that you will save my life.

Kenta:What did you just say?

Aki:No nothing.

Everyone else laugh because they know how dumb Kenta is.

Kenta:So I become bait as always doesn't I.

Yuu:You know the rules and so do I.

They use Kenta as bait and kill that aragami after that they see aegis Island.

Sakuya:It's really something aegis Island, the key to the project and mankind's last hope for survival. We could finally be safe there.

Alisa:Shio, are you alright. Shio!

Kenta:What the hell was that?

Yuu:Shio, did you hear us?

Shio:It's calling me. It's singing to me. Hungry... Must feed. Must devour. Such wondrous food.

Shio jump to the ocean.


Yuu:What should we do now?

Sakuya:We need to report to the doctor. ASAP.

Back to the doctor room

Dr Sakaki :So she go to the ocean and don't come back.

Sakuya:Yeah, we're really sorry for our mistake.

Dr Sakaki:No apologies. Your safety is most important. I'm glad to see you well. You're positive on the location? North end of the derelict carrier, looking towards aegis?

Sakuya:Positive. Poor girl... What do you think happened? Is she gonna be okay?

Dr Sakaki:I hope but I can't say anything for sure now.

Alisa:Yes of course thank you doctor.

Dr Sakaki:Be prepare. I may call upon you to head up a search for the young shio. In the meantime, I'll keep you updated if I find anything. Please, get some rest.

They all leave doctor room.

Yuu:Are you sure she will be fine?

Aki:Kenta, what's the problem you look weird today?

Kenta:Nothing, after this day I'm just thinking what will happen next if we doesn't move I mean investigate.

Sakuya:So you want to investigate?


Yuu:It will be dangerous.

Sakuya:Can you guys leave me and Kenta alone.

Yuu:Yes, you two let's go.

Sakuya:Listen let me do it.

Kenta:Sakuya, this is dangerous and this is between live and..

Sakuya:I know but Lindow... You know he doesn't want you  to do that alone. I know you... You already take a burden of sin, Please let me help you this time.

Kenta:Alright, but please be careful I doesn't want to lose my family again.

Sakuya:I will do my best.Don't you worry.

Kenta:Heh, still use my word... Thank you big sis.

Sakuya:Doesn't need to thanks me you already help everyone and now it's time for me to help you.

Meanwhile Dr sakaki in his room.

Dr Sakaki:It's ahead of schedule. Far too soon. This does not bode well at all...

Next part:Prologue to goodbye

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