Love sprouts Again

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Aki:Kenta, we need to talk.

Kenta:Alright, What do you want from me? 

Aki:I.... I.

Attention to all members of the first unit. Tsubaki and Dr. Sakaki call you all I repeat my attention to the members of the first unit, Tsubaki and Dr. Sakaki call you all.

Kenta:We talk about this next time let's focus on the mission first.


Meeting room

Tsubaki:Everyone here, good. Your mission today is to defend the fort from the threat of Ogretail. You will all be divided into several groups. Sakuya and Soma will guard the northern fort. Kota and Alisa will guard the eastern Fort.Yuu kannagi, I need you to help the second and third units in the southern Fort. While Kenta and Aki will guard the west Fort. Everyone understand!

All:Yes ma'am!

They all went to their assigned places.

Kenta:There is no sign of Aragami here.

Sakuya:Same from the North.

Kota:East is also safe.

Yuu:I don't see something danger yet here.

Aki:Kenta... I want to talk to you. Can you please turn off that communication device. I need to talk to you alone.

Kenta:Fine, what is it?

Aki:Are you still mad to me...

Kenta:No,of course I don't... I just think that... We can't be together.That's all.

Aki:I'm the one who ruined our relationship... I'm sorry. I used to have no feelings for you but now I think I can't live without you. Please, I want a second chance. That's all I ask.

Kenta:Aki, It's all over, please forget about me.

Aki:I can't...

Suddenly Aragami appear infront of them. Kenta open his communication device.

Kenta:Aragami at the west Fort. Don't worry we can handle it.

Kenta:Kenta continued to rush to the Aragami but it turned out that he had made a mistake because the Aragami he met this time was very hard and solid.

That Aragami pick him and throw him.

Kenta:I'm too arrogant and overconfident. Is this the end?

Aki pulled Kenta's hand away and took him away.

Aki:Are you okay, Kenta?

Kenta:Aki,  since when had that kind of speed?

Aki:I have this speed because I always practice.I have to always keep up, right?

Kenta:I'm proud of you and I think Raymond will be proud as well. Enough of my rest, let's do this together. Hold my hand. This will be even more dangerous. Omega you hear me?

Omega:What do you want this time?

Kenta:Give me your ability.


They attack that Aragami  and devour it together.

Kenta:Good job, Aki.

Aki:Thank you, Kenta. So,about that chance...

Kenta:I'll give it to you. You already prove that you want my love right?

Aki wants to kiss Kenta but Kenta blocks her with his hand.

Kenta:Sorry, Aki but there is no kissing before marriage.

Omega:I know you hate people kissing you that's why you said that don't you.

Aki:Fine, then but promise me if we get married you will kiss me.

Kenta:Fine, I promise.

Next part:Aragami Transformation

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