4th Arc The Second Nova

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One aragami has been eaten by aeriel nova. Suddenly, one vajra join the fight for food. That vajra lose to that nova Aragami and getting it's core eaten by that Aragami. That nova Aragami evolve to something more stronger.

Meanwhile at the den

Soma:What the hell? Heh, mind's trick play on me.

After that he heard that someone's call him.

Soma:Wait, what!? Soma's here,someone tell's me what's going on! Are you certain they're Devour marks? Damn where are they? Acknowledged. Stay where you are. I'm en route to the outer wall right now,I'll come meet you.

Meanwhile Kenta...

Kenta:Ok, so you  want me to eat as many durian as possible before time goes out.

Ricky:Yes, coba aja. (Just try it)

Kenta:Gak bisa sih.(I can't). Lu kira gua Matt Stonie.(You think I'm Matt Stonie)

Ricky:Ok,ok just tell Mr. Shafiq.

Kenta:Since when do you speak English?

Ricky:I don't know.

Mr shafiq:Just like you two are having fun. How's Malaysia Ricky you like it?

Ricky:It's quite fun to be honest. Just like Indonesia. Even durian are here.

Mr Shafiq:Hahahaha. You guys want teh tarik. If you guys want I will make it.

Ricky:Well, I take it as a yes.


Kenta phone ringing.

Kenta:Kazuma speaking.

Tsubaki:Hey I know you're having fun at Malaysia but....

Kenta:Let me finish it. You want me to come back because of an emergency right?

Tsubaki:Yeah, so sorry about that.

Kenta:Nah, it's fine I will go back to Japan. Don't worry.


Kenta:Ricky, Mr Shafiq I..... I

Ricky:Kecemasan, bukan?(Emergency right?)

Kenta:I'm so sorry.

Mr Shafiq:Tak perlu minta maaf pun. Bukannya kau yang nak semua ni terjadi. Nah, ambil semua makanan ni. Berkongsilah dengan orang orang sana. (No need to apologize. It's not you who wants all this to happen. Well, take all this food. Share it with the people there.)

Kenta:Terima kasih Encik Shafiq.(Thank you Mr Shafiq).

Mr Shafiq:Takde hal lah, kita dah lama kenal.(It's okay, we already known each other for so long)

Kenta:Selamat tinggal kamu berdua.

Kenta began his journey back to Japan.

Kenta:Everything ready, let's go.

Mr shafiq:I just hope he eat his rambutan and make himself a teh tarik.

Ricky:You treat him just like he is your son.

Mr Shafiq:I treat him like that because he's the last person to buy my boat.

Ricky:Tell me more about it.

Mr Shafiq:Why should I tell you?

Ricky:Just want to hear your story.

Next day

Dr Sakaki:Good day to you all and thank you for joining me. Sorry to interrupt your guys holiday.

Yuu:It's not like I'm that busy.

Kenta:I'm fine. Looks like this mission are really important.

Kota:What can we do for ya, doctor? Oh hey, Soma's back what's up Soma?

Soma:It's good to see you guys again.

Yuu:You don't look so well Soma.

Kenta:Something bad happen am i right?

Dr Sakaki:*ahem*New information has come to light concerning that anomalous Bias Field you've been encountering of late. To begin let me give a summary of our intelligence.

Soma:Doctor. Perhaps, I should...

Dr Sakaki:Of course, Soma. As you wish.

Soma:This way we can skip the... usual proceedings. I have reason to believe that a second nova has been born in the Far East.

They all really shock with Soma statement.

Alisa:Another one?! Soma...

Soma:Since the event of the Ark Project. I've gathered up any unstable Nova fragments I could find. I wanted to have them accounted for. A temporarily facility was constructed on Aegis, to hold them in stasis and eventually dispose on them. Then, yesterday, we discovered a hole had been gouged out of the containment field.

Everyone:Say what?!

Soma:Most likely, one of the fragments deteriorated to a point where it could no longer be contained, kick-starting its drive to Devour. Speculation suggest that the fragment is still within the far east, and has taken the form of an aragami.
The inspections weren't thorough enough... The response wasn't fast enough...

Dr Sakaki:Now, now Soma... we will accept none of this. The fault lies on more shoulders than you know. I was responsible as well. Knowing you were overworked and understaffed,I gave you yet another massive project to undertake.

Soma:You didn't let the beast out of it's cage!

Sakaki:In any case... This presumed Nova has not been roaming free for very long. Its power I still mostly potential, container in its Larval stage. However, should it manage to reach adulthood. I've doubt even the entire 1st Unit could defeat the beast. Suffice to say, we must slay this creature. The sooner the better...

Soma:Doctor Sakaki, I beg of you... The fault is mine. This disaster is of my making. Let me be the one to amend it.

Dr Sakaki:Enough, Soma.

Soma:Of course doctor.

Dr Sakaki:This Nova is an incredible threat to us here in the Far East. I expect you to proceed with caution. I will do all I can to track the beast.

Next part:An anxious ally

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