The New Type

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Director is talking to someone on his phone.

Director:I see so this guy have ability to become a new type.What is his name.Yuu Kannagi .What a great ability that this guy has.

On training place....

Director:Welcome god eater to Fenrir
The humanity base.You are here today because you have ability to become God eater.Put your hand on that thing.I will ask you one question why you become God eater

Yuu:*angry*I become God eater to get revenge after aragami kill my family!!

Director:Congratulations,you are now God eater.Please meet Dr Sakaki for check up later.

Entrance place....

Another god eater:oh hello you new god eater as well.

Yuu:Yeah my name is Yuu Kannagi.

Kota:Nice to meet you my name is Kota Fujiki.

That a woman just appear in front of them.

The woman:Stand up.

Kota :What
Tsubaki:I said stand up on your feet.

Yuu and Kota stand up.

Tsubaki:My name is Tsubaki Amamiya and I'm your advisor.This is your schedule-After the medical checkup,You two will complete a full
curriculum of the basic combat training,as well as weaponry/armor clinic.We are the one's who protecting your guys up until now but from this day forward,you'll be doing the protecting if you two don't want to die
over something stupid, then answer my every order with a "Yes". Understood.Answer me.

Yuu and Kota:Yes ma'am.

Tsubaki:Alright let's begin the medical checkup.We'll start with you Kannagi.
Report to Dr Paylor Sakaki's room by 1500 hours.Take a tour on our facilities until then.This is your new home the Fenrir Far East Branch, a.k.a "The Den".Make sure you pay respect to all your fellow member.

At Dr Paylor Sakaki room.....

Dr Paylor sakaki:Wow you are here 26 second more sooner than I expected
Good to see you Yuu Kannagi I'm Paylor Sakaki and I'm in charge of Aragami technology R&D.It's good to see another new type god eater here.
Your ability almost same to new type here.This medical checkup wouldn't take such long time.Ok I'm finish
Okay we're good to go now lie down on that bed,will you?There's nothing you need to worry.When you wake up you will be on your own room.Sweet dream.

Yuu:Alright doctor.

That's it Yuu finally sleep and when he wake up he is on his room.

Next part:Finally meet

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