Chosen One

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Yuu:I want to see you director.

Director:Good day thank you for stopping by. My plan is nearing the final stage. Gratitude of course is due to you and your predecessors. So thank you. It is well earned.

Yuu come closer to director with angry face.

Yuu:I want an explanation.

Director:Oh, pardon, are you angry?Surely Sakuya, Alisa and Aki have contacted you by now? Shared their story?I can imagine how you feel. Plucked from your place of safety only to see your friends become criminal and traitors. And here you are... Wondering how can I can so calmly strut around the Den, inspecting my troops as it were. I have no excuses to make. If you wish to cross swords with me, I am glad to oblige. Only but say the word. But before you make a decision. I need you to understand. The ark project is the only way. It sounds bleak. I know, but it is the path to ressurect the planet. The path to preserve humanity. Indulge me in... A metaphor, if you will. You're travelling on a voyage when a tempest strikes and your ship succumbs. You and one other survive. In the storm tossed seas you see a chance at life in a floating plank. The plank cannot support you both. If it sinks. You both perish. Now then the choice awaits whether you choose to save your own life or the other people life. You should survive. Intelligent, strong, determined, you deserve to. In order to save humanity survive and prosper, this is the only rational choice. My ark will soon be completed. The tide is coming in. If you decide to join me, just do what I asked. No one said you need to smile for it. And if you succeed, well I welcome you with the open arms. All you love will be brought into the safety of the ark. What will you do? Join me or against me.

Yuu:I will leave.

Director:Oh, one more thing, Mr Fujiki just come here a few hours ago to take the boarding pass. I'm proud of that boy. Grown up strong so dedicated to his family. I do hope you'll be united under the skies with my new world. Your ticket will be remain.

Yuu:(I will not trust you easily Director).

Meanwhile at Kota house

Kota:So it turns and screams a terrible scream. It charges at me!

Nozomi:Oh my god, Kota.

Kota:I dive outta the way, pull my God Arc out and BAM! Saved the day!

Nozomi:Hehehe!*gasp*You're just like Isamu from Bugarally!

Kota:Well, you know, I do my best. It's tough being this awesome. Nothing to worry about.

Nozomi:So cool.

Kota mom:Of course we're worried Kota. We're your family, and you're out there everyday...

Kota:Oh come on it's fine I'm good. I promise.

Kota mom:I know but I'm your mother. I'm supposed to worry. I always feel better when you're safe and home. You can take some time off, can't you?

Kota:Well I could try.

Nozomi:Hey, big bro did you bring me something?

Kota:You know I always did! But this time my present is absolutely huge!
It's still a secret so keep this between us, but there's an amazing project in the works. And with this awesomely magical ticket. We can all finally live together. Forever.


Kota:Haha! Always!

Nozomi:We can all live together? You and me and mom, for real?

Kota:You know it.

Nozomi:Can Yuki come? And Nao and Hiro and everyone?

Kota:Uh, Um maybe, I mean probably, right?

Nozomi:Yay, that's so awesome! Oh mom this is gonna be awesome!

Kota mom:Yes Nozomi. It is wonderful news doesn't it Kota?

A few hours later


Kota:I.. I'll lied.

Director:You make a right decision by joining me. Don't worry your family will be safe.

Kota:I'll lied to everyone... I couldn't tell them.

Director:I know you've come to accept this. Tell me why you head to battle with a smile? Why did you walk that line with Death each day?

Kota:For them... For Nozomi... For mom... I'm all they have. I'm the only one who can protect them.

Director:A noble goal. I can help you Kota. I want to help you. This life is yours to choose. What to leave behind, and what to take with you. I don't envy you the decision.

Kota:Mom... Nozomi.. I-I'll do it. I accept.

Director:Wise, Kota. It is that wisdom that has seen you in family safe through these storms.

End of Flashback

Kota:Maybe. But how many others have fallen?

Next part:Stolen singularity

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