Gods Eater

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They reach the bottom of the Fenrir and see Shio being tied up.

Sakuya:This is...


They all see Shio being tied up and rushing to save her.


Director:"The tears you offer are all that I crave"...Huh? Soma... It's appear
you were quite fond of this aragami and that's can only be seen as the foolish choice, my son.

Soma:Shut up, you monster!I've never thought of you as my father! Let Shio go!

Suddenly Shio body starts to glowing and turn on the corre.

Yuu:Guys what is that?

Kenta:Did Shio just turn on that.

Alisa:This is not good.

Kota:Bad sign everybody.

Director:Very well. Now that I've obtained the Singularity, I have no use for the "vessel"... Very well, she is free.

The director take off Shio tied while Soma hurry to save her,but realise it's too late, Soma hold Shio.

Director:Long the road... Treacherous the road we have taken to come here. For years I have nurtured the Nova, Devouring only the traits it needed. For years, I scoured the earth, seeking burned out husks of ships that could survive space. For years I built and waited and prepared this journey. Now, ay long last... Now it all ends! I am the winner. Victory is in my hand! Come on out, Doctor. Haven't you hid enough?

Dr Sakaki come out and show himself.

Dr Sakaki:We're too late right now.

Director:No! We tread the chasm one mistaken football enough to send us down. Each day, thousands fall to the Aragami. They are but a match before the fires of redemption. Nova, the sword of Damocles,shall swallow whole this wretched earth! Thiw world is already dead. When falls then fateful blow? Minutes? Hours? Perhaps centuries? When it does, Aegis will be no shield to us, and I will noy hide like a fawn before the hunter. I will bring this honnor. Doesn't you want this as well doctor.

Dr Sakaki:I wouldn't say that.

Yuu:Is that true doc?!

Aki:After what we done for you?

Sakuya:You know all of this?!

Kota:Seriously doc you played us.

Alisa:So you know it from start.

Kenta:I don't believe you old man! You betray us again and again!

Dr Sakaki:I'm really sorry.

Kenta:I doesn't want to hear anything from you anymore I already give you chance to prove yourself but you failed us,but before that I will find the way to fight you director.

Director:Someone who can't control his anger. Like father like son.

Kenta:Shut up, you'd know nothing about my father.

Director:Don't you guys realise the benefit of it!

Yuu:You just make hell and want us to believe it's paradise!

Director laugh to them.

Director:Who else could stand in the new world? In only world? Only humanity.

Kenta:You're wrong. Not only humanity, all living creature on this earth deserve justice the justice that we all gonna brought we're going to destroy you. This is Lindow legacy, my family legacy and Raymond legacy. Everyone get ready this is going to be hardest aragami we're going to fight.

Director:Hahahahaha. You guys think you guys can defeat me. Do your best.

Kenta:Everyone get ready this is going to be hardest fight we ever done.

They combine their power to defeat the director but the aragami that director use is really strong.


Kenta:Yuu... Dammit this aragami is unstoppable.

Kota:What should we do now?

Soma:If we're continue like this.

Alisa:We can die.

Suddenly Kenta close his eyes and realise he's one another place.

Kenta:Where am I?

???:Inside your mind. My name is Omega. They need your help right?

Kenta:I want to protect them.

Omega:Very well Kenta. If you want to use my power just say Omega ability,but if you already give up on your life just say Omega rage.

Kenta:I will never give up.

Omega:That's what I expect from you. Good luck.

Kenta wake up and stood infront of them.

Sakuya:Kenta, what are you doing?!

Aki:Did you want to die, Kenta?

Kenta:Yuu, can you even wake up?

Yuu:Never surrender.

Kenta:Protect me i will use the power that I even hate.

Director:You guys never beat me.

Kenta:Omega... Ability!

Kenta eye start to turn into different colour.

Kenta:Nothing change.

Omega:When you say Omega ability you can use quarter of my power. But if you use Omega ragd you can have all of my power but you will lose control.

Kenta:I understand that Omega. Get ready director.

Kenta hit that aragami as fast as lightning.

Director:That speed.

Kenta:This is my true power. Now just die you piece of garbage!

Director:That impossible how can I.

Next part:Today's Goodbye

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