Time To Open A New Book

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Kenta arrive at the island.

Kenta:Finally after 3 days.

As soon as he arrive he see one monkey stood infront him.He come closer to that monkey and touch it.

Kenta:Oh, what a cute monkey? Are you the security here. What a cutie.

That monkey rage and attack Kenta face.

Kenta:Damn. This crazy monkey attack me. This crazy monkey attack me.

Monkey:Uww Uww ak ak.

Kenta:Just let me go.

???:Whisper. Dex come here let he go.

Kenta:Go away crazy monkey.

That monkey angry and wants to launch attack to Kenta but that man stop it.

???:What is your business here?

Kenta:I'm looking for the old man name Shindo.

???:Sorry kid but this is the wrong place.

Kenta:No I can't be wrong this is right place. You... You're Shindo.

???:Don't call me that name! Go back to where you come and don't come here ever again.

Kenta:I came here to train you know. My father is Kento Kazuma!

Shindo stop his step and turn back to Kenta.

Shindo:What did you just say?

Kenta:I'm Kento Kazuma son.

Shindo:Did you know what happen to your father?

Kenta:I know. I know who kill him it's Aki Tamashiro father.

Shindo:Not only that... That guy is one of my apprentice as your father.


Shindo:I failed to guide him.On the other side your father prove why he is the best and become a great God eater,but not Ichijo. His hatred to Kento never lose and always wants to prove himself even though he know that power gonna bring him to the wrong path. He betray humanity just to defeat Kento.


Kento:Ichijo, are you crazy stop that. How many people you want to see suffer because of you.

Ichijo:I never cared about people Kento. I just cared to defeat you all this time.


Shindo:My apprentice.


Ichijo:I will kill you one day Kento and I will let your son see your death.

End of Flashback

Shindo:So you know why I doesn't become sensei anymore.

Kenta:Even though you doesn't want I will never give up. I will train and become stronger and I will stay here until you accept me.

Shindo:Alright then I accept you.

Kenta:Wait, really that fast.

Shindo:Yes, but there is one rules.


Shindo:Whatever you do from the first mission till the end you can't quit. It's means when you start your training you need to finish it no matter what it takes. Are you ready for the challenge, Kenta.

Kenta:I'm ready.

Shindo:Good, I just want to tell you that this test is really dangerous and it need high patience.

Kenta:So, when are we going to start the training.

Shindo:Tomorrow so make sure you're ready because this challenges will go beyond your own mind.

Next part:The training begin

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