Promise Between Two Friend

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Kenta see Raymond walking back and forth.

Kenta:Hey man what's the problem?I see you keep walking back to forth can you just sit and relax.

Raymond:How can I relax at the time like this. Director want to make my sister as the god eater.

Kenta:Well, that's a good news doesn't it? She can protect herself now.

Raymond:I'm scare she's not ready yet Kenta. She's still need to learn. Promise me to take care of her and protect her at all cost.

Kenta:Okay, don't be so serious about that. I promise just relax.

Lindow come to them.

Lindow:You guys busy.


Lindow:It's mission time.

Tsubaki:Good evening everyone as you guys know Aki Tamashiro gonna become the next god eater and she will appointed at the 2nd unit.

Raymond is little bit frustrated. Kenta pat his shoulder today comfort him.

Sakuya:And what's the mission?

Tsubaki:Good question Sakuya this aragami is our target.

Kenta take that picture and look closely. Kenta feel mad after see that picture.

Kenta:That's... That's the monster who kill my parents.

Everyone there shock knowing that.

Kenta:That's not normal aragami that's is human aragami. More worse it can turns to human and aragami anytime, anywhere.

Raymond:Lindow, your thoughts?

Lindow:Well, then we need to defeat this for the sake of everyone and for Kenta revenge.

Kenta:Thanks Lindow.

Raymond:Let's do this.

Soma:Come on, let's go.

They arrive at the old city.

Raymond:Something not right I can feel it.

Kenta:I know that feeling. I can sense this smell.

???:Finally, Kenta you come to die!

They see aragami appear infront of them.


Lindow:Kenta, Raymond you two okay.

Raymond:We're fine.

Sakuya:That aragami can talk?

???:Miss,I'm special than other aragami.

Kenta:I will never forget what you've done to my parents.

???:I know you wouldn't. You're just weak and pathetic.

Kenta:You know nothing about me! I will kill you you garbage!!

???:Kenta playing with anger. I like that.

Raymond:Kenta, don't let him make you become monster.

???:Wrong move Kenta.

That aragami use his punch to kill Kenta. Suddenly Raymond push Kenta and take that punch.

Kenta:Ray... Raymond! I'm sorry don't die dammit!

Raymond:I'm sorry I can't do this.

Kenta:Don't say like that Raymond...Please don't say like that. *sob*sob*.

Raymond:But hey, it's good to know you. Please protect Aki for me. Thank you for becoming my friend all this time. I'm really happy. Goodbye.

Raymond die in Kenta arm.

Kenta:Omega... Rage!!

Kenta eye and arm starts to change.

???:So this is your true power. I love it. You must feel pain just to unlock that magnificent power.

Kenta:I will never forgive you for what you've done!!

Kenta speed and attack become stronger. That aragami try to fight back but it's useless.

???:I need to retreat.

The aragami dissappear. Kenta who lose control attacking Lindow, Sakuya and Soma.

Soma:What should we do Lindow?

Sakuya:Don't tell me he turn into monster.

Lindow:I have a plan but we need him to come infornt of us.

Soma and Sakuya attacking Kenta. Kenta come to them and Lindow stop him using his god arc. When Kenta want to attack Lindow,Kenta become hesitate to do it and Lindow realise its his time to make Kenta turn back into his normal self.

Lindow:Kenta, this is not what your parents want, and this is not what Raymond what you to do.

Kenta starts to get back his consciousness back.

Kenta:I'm sorry everyone I... I failed...

Lindow try to comfort Kenta.

Lindow:No, you're not you're still child it's okay. It's happen when you're angry it's not your fault.

They go back to the Den with sad. Not only they doesn't get that aragami but they also lost one member that help them.


Kenta:And since that day Aki hate me everytime she see me. And I'm also starts to annoy when she doesn't see me. But I promise to Raymond to take care of her and make sure she doesn't die.

Yuu:That's a sad story. How about Aki now are you sure that she forgive you.

Kenta:That's make me worried. Omega said to me one day that I will lost control again but this time someone close to me will did it. That's why I train you. If I turn into that monster again... I want you to kill me.

Yuu:Are you crazy!? What if I will be the one that's gonna betray you.

Kenta:I know you're not the person because Lindow trust you and people that Lindow trust is always loyal. But Aki I still doesn't know her...

Meanwhile Aki go to her room.

Aki:It's all set like you want.

???:Congratulations, Aki. Don't worry this will avenge yourself brother death.

Aki:Just let Kenta die already.

Next part:The 2nd Arc story

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