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Yuu goes to director room to tell Dr Sakaki and Tsubaki everything. However, he kept Ren a secret.

Yuu:Doc, I already touch Lindow's God arc again and this time it's just like I just get Lindow's memory.

Dr Sakaki:This is indeed a Resonance, you describe. It should be unique to New type God Eaters. And you say Lindow yet lives?

Tsubaki:This is the power from before that brought Alisa out of her coma? Are you certain? I mean, it's all rather far-fetched. Still, thank you for coming to us. I trust you were discreet with the others?It wouldn't do to get their hopes up only to plunge them back to despair. I'm not sure if...

Dr Sakaki:Only one thing to do. The first order of business is to investigate the area you saw in the vision. Around the old temple,I believe? Now tell me everything you remember about Lindow. If he lost Armlet control, his situation could be very grim indeed. I'll need something of his link the signal. I'll need to ensure that it's him.We will have to take every possible precaution. It is crucial that the infection does not spread any further. I need you to find this material.

Yuu:I understand Dr Sakaki.

Tsubaki:To make sure you're not alone I'm going to call Kenta to find that with you.

Yuu:Thank you so much.

Kenta Kazuma please report yourself infront of main hall.

Kenta:Time for a mission.

Main hall

Yuu:Kenta sorry for calling you but I need your help to find this material.

Kenta:For what could I ask?

Yuu:It's secret.Kenta are you okay?

Kenta:Yeah I'm fine.

Kenta was distracted for a moment as he was still thinking about Lindow.

Tranquill temple

Kenta:We're arrive.

Yuu:Yeah, hopefully we're going to be fine.


Yuu:That's not Kenta that I always know, is something happen.


Yuu:I know you're hiding something from me.

Kenta:I said it was nothing! Can't you just understand that!

Yuu:Kenta,you don't need to be mad.

Kenta:Sorry, just I feel really stress today.

Yuu:It's okay, you always say people make mistake.

Kenta:You're right. Thank you for using my advice to me. Now let's find that aragami.

Suddenly they hear aragami coming to them.

Yuu:We don't need to find it.

Kenta:They come on their own.

Yuu:Are you ready?

Kenta:Let's rock it.

They come out from hiding spot and slaughter all aragami there to find all that material. Before they coming home, Yuu tell Kenta something.

Yuu:Kenta, you remember when I don't tell you why I was looking for this material.


Yuu:I suppose it's time. This material is to find Lindow. I should tell you this.

Kenta:I don't surprise about that Yuu. I already know that and I know Lindow is still alive.

Yuu:How did you know?

Kenta:Why do you think I'm getting distracted today...

Yuu:Sorry, I don't...

Kenta:It's okay, but for now I want to keep it as a secret from Sakuya and everyone else.

Yuu:I understand that. Let's go home now.

Yuu and Kenta come back home and give that material to Dr Sakaki. Dr Sakaki finally get the result and tell Tsubaki to inform that to everyone.

Next part:Search resume

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