Wood Of Trial

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They arrive at The Wood Of Trial.

Kenta:This place is really quiet. I guess I'm here alone.


Kenta:Sorry for that.Don't you feel something extraordinary here Omega.

Omega:I doesn't feel anything. Remember what that old man say.

Kenta:Yeah, it's important of course i remember.


Shindo:Whatever you do Kenta, don't give up. If you do then you will never come back out from that forest forever.

End of flashback.

Kenta start walking and see all his sin he make since the past.


Omega:Man, are you okay.

Kenta:I just...

???:You let me die Kenta you let me die!

He see Raymond reincarnation attack him.

Kenta:How can I feel pain?

Omega:Even though he just reincarnation he can deal damage to the you.

Raymond:You broke your promise Kenta you said you're going to protect Aki no matter what,but you want to kill her.

Kenta:Raymond. I'm sorry.

Raymond:You're most useless friend I ever got. You're dumb and you're not qualified to become God eater.

Raymond reincarnation punch him.

Kenta:You're right Raymond I'm useless. Just kill me and be happy.


Shindo:The reincarnation can punch you and hurt you but they just can't do one thing. And that thing is kill you.

End of Flashback

Kenta:What are you waiting for kill me.

Raymond reincarnation starts to dissappear. Kenta keep walking to the 2nd phase and see someone that make him shock and that's Lindow reincarnation.


Kenta:Lin... Dow.

Lindow choke Kenta.

Lindow:What are you doing bastard? You should protect everyone isn't that what you promise me.


Kenta:Hold it Omega. He just reincarnation he can't kill me. Lindow I'm sorry I can't protect you brother.

Lindow stop choking Kenta and dissappear.

Kenta:That's hurt to be honest.

Omega:So is it done.

Kenta:Not yet there is still one nightmare that I scare for years my father.

Omega:Your father?

Kenta:I need to keep walking.

Kenta keep walking and he see his father reincarnation.

Kenta:We meet again dad.


Kento rushing to Kenta and strike him.

Kento:You should save me, Kenta but you let me down. You hear that Kenta.

Kenta:I hear all your word dad.

Kento start to kick Kenta.

Kento:Are you give up now.


Kento continue his torture to Kenta.

Kento:Just give up already why are you doesn't give up what makes you have this passion.

Kenta:It was you that give me this passion. You always said that we shouldn't give up when it comes to helping people. I will never give up even I need to face death. It was you that teach me after all.


Kenta:I'm sorry dad even though I can't safe you I promise I will protect everyone okay.

Kento reincarnation crying and hug him and start to dissappear.

Kento:You pass congratulations. Goodluck Kenta.

Kenta:Dad. Goodbye. *sob*sob*.

Omega:Are you okay Kenta.

Kenta:I'm fine thank you for worrying about me Omega.

Kenta continue walking and see someone.

Kenta:Who is that kid?

Omega:Kenta, wait don't you think this is trap?

Kenta:Nonsense if this is reincarnation I can't touch it.


Kenta:Reincarnation can touch me punch me and hurt but I can't. That's why I always get beaten up.

Omega:What should we do with this kid.

Kenta:Let's help him out he must be someone Sensei know.

Kenta take that kid and exit the Wood Of Trial.

Next part:Goodbye Sensei

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