Search Resume

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Sakuya see Kenta at main hall.

Sakuya:Kenta, I know you know something about this case.

Kenta:Is there any point to tell you this Sakuya.

Sakuya:Atleast I want to know what happen?

Kenta:You will know it later Sakuya.

Tsubaki call everyone to the main hall.

Tsubaki:DNA results indicate it's Lindow Amamiya. As of 1200 hours, the search is on again!Although alive,the infection may have spread. Please bring him home. Bring my brother back. If anyone has even a shot at this, it's all of you.

Sakuya:I knew it was true. I know he's still alive.

Soma:Listen, he's not home yet. Come on, the sooner we get out there, the sooner we find him.

Aki:This is our time for us to save Lindow.

Alisa:Right. We can bring him home. I can finally tell him the truth.

Kota:This is gonna be like the best freakin'day! Let's make it happen, Captain Yuu!

Yuu:Let's do this!

Kenta:For Lindow.

Hibari:You guys, I hate to tell you this, but the 1st unit is to remain on combat duty during this operation. The 2nd and 3rd Units will take point and lead our search and rescue efforts.

Kota:You serious, Hibari?

Hibari:Tsubaki can't afford to send all of you out. It's too much of a risk. Someone needs to stay back and keep the Den safe from Aragami. So, you're to patrol and hold the fortifications.

Alisa:She... I-I mean, it's true, but still...

Kenta:Wait Alisa, I think it's better to give it to them.

Tatsumi:Kenta's right Alisa, don't give it another thought. Leave this search to us. Lindow will be back home for dinner.

Alisa:Thank you...

Kanon:When we lay eyes on him, you'll be the first to know. What do you say, Gina?

Gina:The very first. Believe me when I say you are not the only ones who eager to have him back. I won't let him stay out there alone.

Brendan:Oh, we'll find him all right! Not to mention, we've got another two sets of eyes. Ain't I right, rookies?

Federico:Yes sir!

He then turned towards Yuu.

Federico:Um, before we go...Captain Yuu, could you teach me that disengaging tactic one more time, maybe?

Annete:Me too! Me too!

Yuu:All right, all right, be patient, both of you.

Sakuya looked at them with a smile and remembered it to Kenta and Lindow a few years ago. He also sees Kenta shedding tears and he knows that Kenta also remembers the words he said to Lindow,but Sakuya chose to focus on Lindow for now.

Sakuya:Okay... Okay. If this is the way it has to be, then I'll just have to put my faith in you. Please, please find Lindow and bring him home.

Tatsumi:Consider it done! You keep an eye on this place, give out the call if you need any back up.

Yuu:I trust you. Don't die.

Tatsumi:Understood. Hey Kenta, After we get home make sure you're ready for a darts game.

Kenta:Heh, make sure you don't die and we'll play all night.

Tatsumi then moves to Hibari.

Tatsumi:Seems as good a time as any Hibari... when I'm hailed we a hero for bringing Lindow home, what do you say to some dinner?

Hibari:Oh... Um... Well... I, Uh... I guess it's not entirely out of the question. Maybe you should just focus on bringing him back first.

Kenta:You two should get married. I'm still surprised you two keep holding back and blush to each other and still...

Tatsumi close Kenta mouth.

Tatsumi:Don't bring that topic.

Everyone laughing to that joke.

Next part:Kenta's advice

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