The Past

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*knock knock*

Yuu:You call me again director.

Director:Yes I just want to say that your achievements of late have been quite spectacular.

Yuu:Thanks for that compliment.

Director:Now I really hope that you can help me just a little bit aegis will complete.

Yuu:I will try my best.

Director:Good now if you're excuse me there is someone that I want to meet can you please out.

Yuu:Alright director.

Outside director room Yuu see Dr sakaki walking to director room.Suddenly Dr sakaki walk and say to him

Dr Sakaki:I wonder do you count yourself as a curious person?

Yuu:(What is Dr sakaki say I don't understand)Wait what is this thing.

Inside director room.

Director:Well,what a surprise.A visit from the estimable Paylor Sakaki.

Dr sakaki:Johannes.Did I interrupt your search for another lap dog?Or are they a hunting hound.

Director:I simply have no idea of what you speak.And you should beholden to other interests.I've ever yet to receive a status report.How goes our project?

Dr sakaki:The "Singularity"?Not as well as you hoped,likely.I have so little to go on.

Director:Of course.You know how integral it is to my plan.Do not give up the good fight yet Paylor.There's much to be done.

Dr Sakaki:What of your other hunters?You do have other on its trail I assume.

Soma:With only Soma out in the field,success has become... elusive.

Dr Sakaki:Ah, hence your search for another minion in our newly- promoted captain.

Director:You always did you know how to strike at my sore spots,Paylor.
I suggest you continue to keep watch,and hold your focus there.

Dr Sakaki:I keep watch over so much.The entire universe holds my attention.Which is why I will never let something... unique out of my sight once it's caught my eye.

Director:Your warning has been heard stargazer.Now kindly turn your keen observation back to our business.

Dr sakaki walk out of director room and talking to himself.

Dr sakaki:(Hmm...To where will you turn young captain,when he asked to whom you are loyal?


Yuu:I need to see what inside this thing.

Yuu open that disk

He see one doctor get aragami smoke

Woman voice:Get some anesthesia now.

Man voice:Go get help quick.

Move to another scene

Woman voice:We knew this would happen.Embeeding the Bias Factor in a mature host is nigh impossible

Dr sakaki:Even if it took,there's no guarantee it would induce the proper apoptosis.The only solid results we've seen are with pre natal injection.Even then,it's only had limited success with the rats.

Director:We've tested enough rats.I thinks it's past time we move into human trials.Well past.

Woman voice:Let me be clear here.We barely understand the Bias Field in principle.Will you just charge blind?The P73 Bias Factor has incredible potential.Buy we've only scratched the surface.I don't think we're ready.Not even close.

Director:The real question is how can we afford to wait any longer.People are dying every day by the thousands to the aragami menace!

Dr sakaki:Where will you get a volunteer?Or will you just inject yourself,like Pettenkofer?

Director:It's certainly within reason.If it's stable.I'll inject myself.

Woman voice:You wouldn't adapt.But johannes what about my.. our.. son?He could take to it!He could!

Director:Aisha are you insane?No,the project is crucial yes, but that's our child.

Aisha:Is it better to ask someone else to give up their child?Isn't it better than asking more to die?

Director:Aisha.... Please.

Dr sakaki:Even if it could work,even if we were sure,I would never agree to this!

Aisha:And I will not sit idly by!I will not allow another generation to grow up afraid of monsters!

Director:Alright darling *sigh*Alright.

Dr sakaki:Truly,both of you agree to this?I suppose there's no room for discussion.You're far too studborn.But I..I cannot remain on this project then.I cannot reconcile this.

Aisha:Paylor you don't.

Dr sakaki:Leave it to me,I'm a stargazer.I always will be.And I will continue to watch the skies.It is not my place to interfere,though I wish it were.Our path will cross again,of that I'm certain.Until then,I must continue on my own,with my methods.Farewell,my friend.Good luck.

Next scene

Director:How are you?

Aisha:A little nervous,but mostly fine.I can't wait for you to arrive.Have you heard from him.

Director:He sent you this charm,meant to keep you safe during delivery.He still beyond our reach.

Aisha:*sigh*Paylor.... So he's still angry,even now.I hope one day he knows that we did this for a him.

Director:Don't worry yourself Aisha.Its not good for either of you.

Aisha:Hold onto that charm for me alright?Tomorrow.Keep it safe for both of us.

Next scene

Director:Hello paylor it has been along time,hasn't it?The managarm project has been suspended.I suppose it was the only decision that could be made after.....after what happened.But we survived.Soma was born in the moments before it happened already carrying the Bias Factor.I was carrying the charm you sent us.Such a small thing to save a life,Paylor.Who knew that your little technology could help develop?Did you ever think it could be the core of the wall?Could save countless lives?You're so much more the scientist than I could ever be.A flicker before your blaze.I thinks perhaps you predict this.Perhaps you did know what would happen.Heh......Worry not Paylor.I'm not here to blame you.No never to blame you.In a few weeks I'll be promoted.Director of Far East Branch.And it is an opportunity.An opportunity for all of us.I want you to join me.You will have ample lunding for your research.More than you could ever dream.Moreover,you would lead all god eater technology projects.Besides..... you still haven't met my son.I miss my friend,Paylor.I will call on you again in a few weeks time,and hope to see you soon.

Next scene actually just a message
If found,please return this disc to the research lab of Dr sakaki.Do not view this disc content.I mean it!

Yuu:I must tell Kenta about this.

Next part:The sad past

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