Still Nervous

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*knock knock*

Director:Come in.

Yuu:You call me director.

Director:Yuu kannagi good to see you.
First of all congratulations for becoming the new captain of the 1st unit.Second as a captain you will get your own private room.That would be the room used by the previous leader Lindow You must now log in your name into the terminal and update your user authority level.You'll find that you now able to see data that was previously off limits to you.This is Fenrir's mark of trust.I hope you won't end up betraying us.Now let's discuss about your mission.You now will take Lindow special mission.I give the detailed instruction later.I being count on you.

Outside director room Yuu walk back and forth.Tsubaki see him.

Tsubaki:Are you okay Kannagi.

Yuu:I'm fine thank you.

Tsubaki:That's panic face is the same face Lindow make when the first time he became a leader.First thing you need to do is taking a deep breath.No one expecting you to do it on your own.Use your comrades,use yourself that's key to breeding trust.I'm sure you make a fine leader.Alright get back to work I'll be counting on you.

Yuu:Alright ma'am.

At entrance..

Yuu:Alright guys we are going to the mission.

Kenta see something not right about Yuu.Yuu is shaking.

Kenta:Can everyone leave me and Yuu for 2 minutes I want to talk with him.

Kota:Ok let's go Soma.

Kenta take yuu to elevator.

Kenta:You're nervous don't you.

Yuu:How.... Do you know.

Kenta:I see you shaking.You will be fine as a leader.

Yuu:You talk it easily because you're strong brave and always step forward not like me.

Kenta:What did you just say you say I'm brave you're wrong Yuu I'm not brave.When the first time I know that I need to be your instructor I become nervous because I don't want to do mistake in front of rookie but Lindow tell me it's ok to be nervous but just remember his rules.Plus,there is quotes he say to me"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving".So, you need to keep it balance and you will keep our team moving.

Yuu:(Kenta's right.Its okay to be nervous but I need to be save.

Kota:So what are we hunting.

Kenta:What did you think?


Kenta:Fallen ogretails.

Kota:What fallen ogretails what is that.

Kenta:The evolve version of original ogretails.

Kota:Wow you learn a lot about aragami.

Kenta:Maybe I hate history about aragami but I still need to learn it of course.

Yuu:What are we waiting for let's go.

Kenta:He start to act like a real leader.

Kota:What did you tell him just now.

Kenta:It's a secret between me and him.

Kota:Talking about secret let's make a celebration for him.

Kenta:That's a good idea.Let's ask Soma.

Kota:Hey Soma let's do a celebration party to Yuu.

Soma:Nah I'm fine.

Kota:What's your problem dammit.

Kenta:Kota,he's here.

Yuu:Wait party..

Kota:It's your fault Soma he know it.

Soma:Whatever like I care.I'm going out there.

Kota:Hey wait..

Kenta:If you want him to be back home we should fight the aragami first.

Kota:Let's do it.

Kenta:Hey aragami get this meat before other get it.Guys I'm done it's your guys turn.

Yuu:Got it everyone let's go.


Kota:Hey aragami take this.



Kenta:We did it.High five.

Kota and Yuu:*High five*


Kota:Why are you here Soma we want to take you home.

Soma:I say stay away from me.

Kota:Fine,If that what you want!

Yuu and Kenta look at Soma.

Soma:I'm the monster.You guys shouldn't care about me.

Yuu:Can I know why he act like that.

Kenta:It's a long story I will tell you on our way home.

Kenta told Yuu about that story.

Kenta:And that's why he act like that.

Yuu:So he thought he monster after all.

Kenta:I actually trying to make him happy but he never being happy.I hope that you can change him.

Yuu:I will do my best.Don't you worry.

Kenta:I remember that sentence the same thing I say to Lindow when I being recruit as a god eater.

They arrive.

Yuu:Good to talk with you.I feel like you are my big brother.Thank you for everything.

Kenta:Yeah,but still there are few things that you need to learn from me okay.

Yuu:Yes,Kenta.I understand.

They finally go to their own room and yeah Yuu don't celebrate his party because everybody forget.

Next part:The past

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