Mission With The Hate One

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Director:Glad to see you here Ghost.

Kenta:Thank you sir,Why I'm getting call here.

Director:I just want to give you a mission.But I think you will say no to this mission.

Kenta:Come on sir I always say yes.

Director:Fine you say it your own.You will go mission with tamashiro.

Kenta:Wait you mean Aki Tamashiro.*Disbelieve face*.

Director:Yeah you say you will say yes.

Kenta:I already say yes and I always keep my promise so ok I will accept that mission.*Dissapointed face*

Director:Good ghost that's why you are one of my favourite god eater here.

Kenta talking to himself in a low voice

Kenta:Why that girl why not someone else.


Kenta:*angry glare*

Tatsumi:Not in the good mood huh I understand.


Tatsumi:You know when he glare us there's only mean one thing.

Brendan:He's on the mission with Aki.

Tatsumi:Yeah we can't even go near him.

Kenta see Lindow.( Lindow was the only one that he can talk when's he on the bad mood).

Lindow:Kenta what is it?

Kenta:You know I'm going to the mission with Aki.

Lindow:Good for you Kenta.*laugh*

Kenta:Come on it's not funny.Are you going to follow me this time.

Lindow:I'm sorry man I'm really do but I have a mission with Alisa so sorry.

Kenta:It's fine I'm ok if you have something important to do.

Lindow:Well good luck,don't die and enjoy the day.

Kenta:(What he mean by enjoy the day)?

Kenta and Aki arrive at Sunken Grid.

Aki:Listen just mine your own business I will kill that aragami alone. *arrogant*

Kenta:Whatever.I don't care*annoyed face*

Aki and Kenta are looking for aragami.Suddenly Kenta phone is ringing and he answer it because it was Lindow.

Lindow:Hey Kenta how's your mission?

Kenta:Not so well actually.

Lindow:Oh really hey kenta can I ask you one question.

Kenta:What is it?

Lindow:If I die can you look for them?

Kenta:Why you say about die?

Lindow:I want the answer Kenta.

Kenta:Yes I promise to you I will look for them.

Lindow:Thank you Kenta.*sad*

Kenta:Lindow why are you sad like this.

Lindow:Nothing I hope i have a chance to see you again bye.

Kenta:Bye.(Why he ask me that question is something wrong with him)

Suddenly Kenta hear someone scream.

Aki:Get away aragami I said get away!!!!!!

That aragami almost attack Aki but someone shield just protect it.

Kenta:Almost there.

Aki:Ken.... Kenta.Why did you help me I thought you hate me.

Kenta:Yeah I hate you but I make promise to Raymond to make sure you're alive and my promise to Lindow to make sure you guys safe.

That answer make Aki know that Kenta is not a bad person.

Kenta:Anyway you can go home or do whatever you want I'm going to destroy this aragami.

Aki:I'm with you.

Kenta:Aki you..

Aki:You save my life there's nothing that I can pay that.

Kenta:Alright let's kill this aragami.

Both of them enjoy to slash and shoot that aragami.After done they come back to The den.Aki realise something she miss.

Aki:Ken.... Kenta.

Kenta:What is it Aki?

Aki:I'm sorry.I'm really sorry.

Kenta:Sorry for what?

Aki:I'm so sorry because I'm blaming you for my brother death.I shouldn't do that.I never say sorry before so today I'm really sorry.

Kenta:It's ok I forgive you.

Aki:Thank you,Can I ask you one more thing.

Kenta:What is it?

Aki:Can you train me how to shoot properly.

Kenta:I can but you need to be brave.

Aki:I understand.

Aki leave Kenta.Kenta start to talk with himself.

Kenta:(Maybe she not too bad I thinks Lindow right maybe I'm going to fall in love with her but I thinks it's too early.)

Then he realise that all 1st unit member are arrive.He surprise when he see Sakuya is crying and sad.

Kenta:Sakuya why are you crying.Yuu,Kota,Soma what happen where's Lindow.

Kota:Lindow Lindow.........I'm feel guilty to tell you this Yuu can you tell him.

Yuu:Lindow trapped when we see him.We just hear his voice.He tell us to came back to the den while he handle that aragami we never thought that he gonna die.*sad voice*

Kenta was in shock he never thought he gonna lose someone close like Lindow.The guy who he thought as his big brother is no more.

Kenta:Lindow I'm sorry I...... I can't save your life....*sad voice and feeling guilty at the same time.

Kenta really sad because Lindow was the one that trust him more than anyone else.Kenta really angry and decide to take on that aragami.

Kenta:I'm going to kill it!!!

Soma Kota and Yuu try to pull him from going to that aragami.

Soma:Listen to me dumbass you think you were the only one that sad.We are sad as well but this is not what Lindow want you to do,are you going to make his sacrifice vain.

Kenta:I'm sorry I can't control myself I don't believe that he's die.

Soma:He don't die yet I believe it he's just missing.

Kenta realise now why Lindow call him and asking that question.
It's become a tired day and sad day for all of them.

P/s(I will not make a story how he trap you guys can play god eater game)

Next special part:Journey to become god eater

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