Boys On The Mission

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Tsubaki:Listen boys you four are going to tranquil temple to hunt down some aragami there.

Kenta:Fine we will do it.

Kota:Just some aragami so easy.

Yuu:I hope we all save.


Tsubaki:The leader for this mission will be Kenta.No one disagree.You say this is easy right so you need to kill that aragami if you doesn't kill you guys can't go back to the den.

Kota:Wait but.. but

Tsubaki:No but... but.No aragami no home.

Kenta:Let's go finish this mission everyone.

Tsubaki:I repeat no disagree right.

Kota,Yuu:No disagree we are fine if Kenta is a leader for this mission.

Soma:Like I care.

Kota:*psst* Kenta what's his problem.

Kenta:Don't mind him he always like that. let's go to the mission.

They arrive at Tranquil temple

Kenta:What do we got here?

Yuu:Looks like  5 zygotes here.

Kota:Let's attack now.

Kenta:Kota wait!!!

Kota being shoot by that zygotes

Kenta Slash 3 zygotes while Yuu slash 1 and Soma slash 2 and Kota doesn't even get one.

Kota:Take that aragami.

Soma:You doesn't even kill that aragami.

Kota:Hey I'm trying okay.

Soma:Yeah trying to to make all of us death.

When Soma and Kota still mouth fighting,Kenta and Yuu call Tsubaki.

Kenta:I think it's done ma'am.

Tsubaki:What aragami that you guys get.


Tsubaki:Just Zygotes.


Tsubaki:You guys need to hunt one more aragami it's called borg camlann and remember if you you guys don't finish this mission you guys will not going home.

Kenta:Yes ma'am.

End calling

Kenta:Kota Soma Yuu we can't go home yet.


Kenta:We need to hunt down one more aragami it's called borg camlann.

Kota:it's going to be piece of cake.

Soma:You talk too much.


Kenta:Soma right we talk too much we need to stay focus.

Kota:Fine,Let's go.

They searching for that borg camlann until night and still not found that aragami.

Kota:Borg camlann is big right why it's not here.*tired*

Kenta:You know what Kota I think I'm starting to blame you now because you was the one who make us to find this aragami.*tired*

Kota:Yeah sorry.

Yuu:I'm tired guys.

Soma:I will find that aragami myself you guys can stay here.

Kota:Are we going to sleep on this ground I mean it's really cold.

Kenta:Who said that we are going to sleep on the ground.

Kenta show his Foldable tents

Kenta:You guys lucky I brought take one and I will keep this one for Soma.

Yuu and Kota:Thanks.

Kenta:You're welcome.

Kota:Guys,let's play a game.

Kenta:What game?

Kota:The truth game.I mean there is no people here let's play.

Yuu:What is truth game?

Kota:It's a game that we told our secret that we never told to anyone before.So who's gonna start first.

Kenta and Yuu:*point finger to Kota*

Kota:But first tell me category?


Kota:Fine I actually hate Tatsumi and Brendan because that duo so annoying.Now it's your turn.

Yuu:I have crush on Alisa.

Kenta:Really since when?

Yuu:Since she's really scary and always count on me.At first I'm thinks that annoying when she always worry about me but that's make me happy after long time.Kenta I thinks it's your turn.

Kenta:Armlet that I'm wear is actually not mine.

Yuu:Wait what?

Kenta:This is my father Armlet he give it to me before he die he say to me to take care of this Armlet.

Kota:It's a sad story.

Yuu:I know.

Kota:So we already know each other secret let's make a promise to not tell them until we tell them.

Kenta:Yeah let's make a promise Yuu...

Yuu:Let's make a promise.

After make that promise Soma come to them.

Soma:I'm already tired wait where did you get that tent.

Kenta:My tent here's for you.

Soma:You brought 4 huh.

Kenta:Incase if they have emergency like this.Let's sleep tomorrow we gonna kill that aragami and go back to the den.

Next day

Yuu:Kenta Kenta wake up.

Kenta:What is it Yuu?

Yuu:is that borg camlann.

Kenta:Wait what!!!

They see borg camlann there.

Yuu:Soma and Kota still sleeping you want me to wake them up.

Kenta:No need let's do this.You and me let's go.

They fight with that borg camlann that borg camlann really strong they almost lost that fight but they see fire bullet hit that borg camlann.

Kenta and Yuu:Kota.

Kota:Not only me guys.

Soma:You guys pathetic.

Kenta:We just fighting it 2 of us okay.Enough talk let's defeat this aragami.

Kenta,Yuu and Soma slashed that aragami until that aragami died.

Kenta:Who wants to devour it.

Yuu and Soma point finger at Kenta.

Kenta:Devour!Finally we did it.

Kota:Yeah it's been a rough day doesn't it.

Yuu:But this is memory.

Kenta:Yes Yuu was right now let's go home shall we.

They all going back to the den after defeat that borg camlann.

Next part:New Leader Same order

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