True Moon In The Welkin

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Ren:This is it... I can't believe we made it this far...

While walking they found Lindow sitting unconscious.

Kenta:Guys, is that Lindow?


Ren:All this time... Every moment, Lindow has spent battling that Aragami inside of him. Only now is he losing strength... His consciousness fades, and his heartbeat slows...

Lindow suddenly wake up.

Lindow:Huh?... Wh-Who... Who are you? Arghh!

Ren:That is cold, to spoil our reunion with such words. No matter, I forgive you.

Ren turn and talk to Yuu and Kenta.

Ren:This will be the last I ask of you, and I know that it won't be easy, Return his strength. I need you to bring him back. To make him fight.

Ren turns himself into God arcs and surprise both Yuu and Kenta. After that, Yuu starts thinking and remember that only Kenta and him that's talking to Ren and mention about Ren all the time.

Yuu:So, that's explain everything. I can see Ren after I touch Lindow's god arc. Everyone else can't see him and that's why he always knew about what happen in the past.

Kenta:Wait, so how about me? How can I see Ren as well.

Omega:I can explain that.

Kenta:It's all your idea right.

Omega:I don't want Yuu to be Ren's only friend. So I made you see him as well.

Yuu:So, Ren was a god arc soul after all.

Lindow:Was that... Was that who I think it was? I didn't expect to see you two here. You two came a long way to find me. Damn... I can hardly even believe it.

Kenta almost crying and hugging Lindow.

Kenta:Screw you, you know how long Sakuya and I suffer.

Lindow:Sorry about that. I heard you two calling me. Thank you for not losing hope. Anyway rookie... Sorry old habits, you're not rookie anymore.

Yuu:Take this god arc and let's finish it three of us.


Omega enter back Kenta's armlet.

Lindow:Well, if we're gonna do this. Let's do it right. Time for last brutal stand?


Lindow:Hey captain Yuu... You're with us too right?

Yuu:Let's do this. We standing together.

They rushed towards that Black Hannibal.

Kenta:Let's end this thing!


Lindow:As a family.

They fall down but wake up immediately. They attack that Hannibal together with all of their strength.

Kenta:Now, time to finish you.

Kenta turn his god arc to blaster mode.

Kenta:Goodbye, Aragami.

Lindow slash that Hannibal body while Yuu cut it's head off.


Kenta change back his god arc to sword and devour it.

Kenta:We did it... We defeat it.

Yuu:High five.

Lindow:Hey, hey you guys need to count me.

Yuu:Guys, are you sure this thing is already death.

Kenta:Oh, hell..... This is bad dude.

Next part:Order accomplished

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