The Power To Protect

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Yuu is talking to Kota.

Kota:I'm serious man I see with my own eye I see Kenta holding Aki hand.

Yuu:*laugh*Look your back Kota.


Kenta give a punch to Kota.

Kenta:Before you start talking maybe you should look around first.

Kota:Hey that's hurt okay.

Kenta:So stop spreading rumor.

Kota:That's not rumor,Shun and I see it with our own eye.

Kenta:Man,that just...

When they are talking Alisa come to them.

Alisa:As of today I will be returning to the unit.Once again I look forward to working with you guys.

Kota:When are you resuming your actual combat?

Alisa:That hasn't been decide yet.

Kota:I see.

Then they hear another god eater talk about Alisa.

Another god eater 1:Hey did you hear about that new type god eater.

Another god eater 2:Yeah the little wretch who trapped Lindow with the new type vajra and left him for dead.

Another god eater 1:By the way,after those airs she put on she can't go into combat anymore,I hear.

Another god eater 2:*laugh*Jeez,so she was all bark and no bite.

Hearing that words Kenta rush to them and pull their shirt with the angry face.

Kenta:Listen to me,I hate when you guys spreading rumor about another god eater. You think I don't know that your guys were the useless and weakest one at your guys unit.You two just spreading rumor how about you two huh.I will give you guys last warning if you make fun of another god eater I will make sure that day will become your last day to become god eater,Understand!

Another god eater 1:Understand.Let's run.

Another god eater 2:Yes let's go.

Alisa:Why you're guys don't laugh at me come on I'm ready to take it.

Kota:We're not going to laugh at you.

Yuu:Kota's right why should we laugh at you there is no point to do it.

Kenta:I agree with them to be honest there's really doesn't have any point to laugh at you.

Kota:Hey um never mind that you know the new type vajra that attack Lindow.Seems like the Europe branch was able to spot it too...Since we're encountering more and more of these new types lately I've been thinking it may be something to come.You know?
*look at Yuu*Sorry take it from here.

Kenta:Kota's right I think you need to take it from here.

Yuu:You two wait....

Alisa:Actually I have a favor to ask you... Um.... Uh... could you.. Could you teach me the proper way to fight again?I want to protect someone dear to me this time of my own free will.

Yuu:I can help you.I agree.

Kenta,Kota,Tatsumi, and Brendan sitting there and watch them.

Tatsumi:Do you all feel that they will get in love.


Kenta:I'm really sure that they will get in love.

Kota:Sorry guys I'm with Kenta this time.

Tatsumi:What make you so sure.

Kenta:Alright then let's take a bet shall we.

Tatsumi:Kenta If you lose you need to give your room to me.Kota if you lose you can't watch bugarally for 5 month.

Brendan:I'm with Tatsumi.His bet are same with me.

Kenta:If I win you guys needs to send stock of iced lemon tea for 1 month.

Kota:If I win you guys need to watch bugarally for 5 months streak.

Kenta and Kota:So do we have a deal?

Tatsumi and Brendan:Bring it on.

Yuu and Alisa go to the mission

Alisa:So what are we hunting?

Yuu:We are hunting some chi-you. Alisa are you scare you doesn't need to scare because I'm here.


Yuu:We're arrive.. Let's go.

Alisa:Yuu,don't leave me here alone.

Yuu:Who say you did it.We did it together ok.

Alisa:(Yuu I will not let you down.)

Yuu:So that's chi-you let's do this Alisa.

Yuu Slash that chi-you without any doubt.Suddenly that chi-you wake up and attack him.Alisa see that's happen.


Yuu:Alisa shoot it.

Alisa:But I'm scare.I'm weak.

Yuu:No you not do you still remember that you fight me and Kenta attack that plane that day you almost defeat both of us.You can do this.

Alisa hear Yuu word and shoot that aragami.

Yuu:You did it Alisa.

Alisa hug Yuu after she kill that aragami.


Alisa:Yuu I'm sorry you must be hurt don't you.

Yuu:I'm okay see you can defeat it if you try and don't give up.

Alisa:*smile*You're right now let's go back to den I will heal you there.

Yuu:Yeah let's go.

They arrive at den

Alisa holding Yuu hand since they go to mission until they arrive at den.Happy face from them.


Kenta:So sweet doesn't it Kota.

Kota:Yeah that's really sweet.

Kenta:Tatsumi,Brendan where are you two going??

Kota:Yeah,Where do you think you're going?

Tatsumi:I.... I have a mission.

Kenta and Kota:How about you Brendan.

Brendan:I also have a mission.

Kenta:Alright you guys can go to the mission but I want my Iced lemon tea stock been sent to me starting tomorrow.

Kota:And you guys need to watch bugarally starting tomorrow as well.

Tatsumi and Brendan:Fine...

Kenta:High five Kota.

Kota:*high five*.

Next part:Alisa determination.

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