The Secret Mission

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Yuu to come to Dr sakaki room to give back that disk.

Yuu:Dr sakaki I want to give back disk that I found.

Doctor sakaki:Yuu Kannagi good to see you.I can be absent minded indeed.Thank you for picking this up.Needless to ask,you didn't.... watch it do you?No of course not.Merely old memories.A youth long past.Ah that does remind me though.I needed to call you in anyway.I'd like you to obtain the core of the certain aragami. The director left it to me to assign this task while he's gone.

Dr come closer to Yuu face.

Dr sakaki:No one need to know about this.Yes?Not the one including Kenta.To be fair,I've assigned the task to Soma as well.Good kid,Soma.I would be grateful if you could find a way to solve it together.

Yuu:(But I already tell that story to Kenta.Maybe I need to hide this from Dr sakaki.)

Dr sakaki:Oh,and atop of that,congratulations are in order,I hear you have been promoted.Well congratulations!Now tell me have you ever heard of Managarm Project?

Yuu:Yes I do.

Dr sakaki:There was nothing admirable about that research.No nothing at all.It lost me a dear,dear friend.And poor Soma was left behind,to shoulder the burden at all that darkness on his own.And I.... Well I'm ashamed to admit I am responsible in part of his rage.

He come closer to Yuu face again.

Dr sakaki:I was hoping.. In fact,I would be in your debt.. If you could reach out to him.Befriend Soma.

Yuu:Ok I understand.

Next day

Dr sakaki:Greeting!So sorry to keep summoning you in.Haha!I have a certain special favor to ask of you today.As before I will be sending you on Aragami extermination task.I've been taken liberty of arranging your team myself.Alisa,Sakuya,Kota and Aki!That will be plenty.Don't fret mustering up more God eaters.I've contrived to make this seem a routine. Every day totally normal mission.Well thank you that's all.Fight well.Dismissed.

Yuu:Ok doc.(This is weird to see Kenta being replace by Aki).

Yuu exit Dr sakaki room

Dr sakaki:The time growls late,and shadows fall... I must prepare to receive my guests.

In elevator Yuu see Kenta.

Yuu:Kenta how are you?

Kenta:Yeah I'm fine.Why your face look scare when you see me?

Yuu:Nothing just I have mission to go.

Kenta:Don't be scare okay become who you are.Goodluck and don't die.

Yuu:Thank you I will go now bye.

Kenta:Yeah see you later.

At tranquil temple

Aki:Kenta doesn't join us today.*dissapointed face*

Kota:Oh it's okay Aki your boyfriend doesn't go anywhere.


Sakuya:He just kidding Aki.

Alisa:Yeah Aki he always like that.

Yuu:But still I'm wondering what did he do now.


Kenta:Alright guys are you ready.


Brendan:This is between live or death.


Kenta:Time to throw dart!!

Tatsumi throw that dart but that dart stop at black center

Tatsumi:Oh almost there.

Kenta:Tatsumi 5 points.

Brendan:Let me show you how to play dart.

Brendan throw and that dart stop at green center

Kenta:20 points for Brendan.

Brendan:No one can stop me.

Kenta:Oh really let me do it.

Kenta throw that dart to red center.

Kenta:What did you just say?

Brendan:How how let's play again that's unfair.

Kenta:Alright let's play again.

Kanon talking in a low voice


Back to the 1st unit

Kota:Forget to ask what are we hunting?

Yuu:Through that database we need to hunt one chi you.

Aki:It's weird to see you reading that database.

Yuu:I know it's Kenta who should read it.

Alisa:I know but he's not here.

Yuu:Let's just finish this mission.

Kota:Wait what is that is that chi you?

Yuu:You're right Kota that's chi you let's do this everyone.

Sakuya:Let's shoot that aragami.

They shoot that aragami until that aragami died.

Yuu:Time to devour it.

Dr sakaki:Please,all of you,hold your arcs.


Kota:Doc,why're you here?

Dr sakaki:Worry not,all will be explained in time.Leave that aragami there for a moment.Come with me.I've something to show you.

They wait and they saw something.

Dr sakaki:There!Look,it's coming!I knew it would!

After see that girl they run and come in front of that girl.

Girl:Um.... I.... I am...H hungry.


Dr sakaki:Welcome,welcome!Good to see you!It certainly took a while to get you to show yourself h.Thank you Soma,for all your help in bringing in her here.Oh there's just so much I must know!So many opportunities!

Aki:If you don't mind I want to ask one question who is she?

Yuu:I also want to ask same thing doc.

Dr sakaki:Yeah of course of course.We probably shouldn't speaking out in the cold like this.All will be explained at the lab.So sorry to keep you in the dark.Uh will you join us?

Girl:I am hungry.


Girl:I am hungry?

Next part:Aragami girl

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