Mentor Vs Apprentice

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Kenta and Yuu staring each other.Yuu starts his attack to Kenta.

Yuu:Take this Kenta.

Surprisingly, Kenta take that shot without any damage.

Kenta:Is this the best you can do!?It's train you to become stronger not weaker. Fight me with your own limit Yuu!

After a few attack to the few attack Yuu still can't beat Kenta.

Kenta:My turn.

Kenta slash his god arc to Yuu back and kick his chest.

Kenta:There's never strong and weak Yuu. It's about passion. The reason you can attack me before is not because you're strong but it's because your passion to attack me is really high.

Yuu:Then, I just need to find your weak spot.

Kenta just defend himself until Yuu is tired.

Kenta:Now, take this.

Kenta hit Yuu with his god arc.

Kenta:Is that the best you can do Yuu Kannagi!

Yuu:You always tell me one thing never miss one simple thing.

Kenta doesn't realise Yuu touch his god arc to defeat him.

Kenta:Not bad, Yuu but you forget to finish me.

Kenta continue to attack Yuu until Yuu tired.

Yuu:I will never stop until I beat you!

Kenta:That's what I want from you.


Kenta:You're the only one who can finish this Yuu. Fight me with all of your power!

Yuu start to learn every single of Kenta techniques and attack him using his own strategies.

Yuu:Now it's my turn to defeat you Kenta.

Kenta:Not a chance Yuu.

Yuu and Kenta god arcs clash and they go far to each other.

Yuu:I'm gonna end this...

Kenta:Once and for all.

Yuu to himself
(I never been so sure to defeat you Kenta. I will do this for everyone sake including you.)

Kenta to himself
(You already strong to defeat me Yuu I'm really proud even though I know this is my end, I'm really proud as your friend and family.)

They run to meet each other and yelling.



Yuu again
(I will defeat you Kenta!)

Their god arc clash again and explode. Both of them have being thrown away.

Kota:Are you okay Yuu.

Alisa:Oh my god are you okay

Kenta:You did well Yuu.

Yuu:Kenta... You're still alive.

Kenta:Yuu,why did you let me life.

Yuu:Because I know you can change.

Sakuya:Come back Kenta.

Kenta:I'm so sorry everyone.

Kenta take Yuu god arc and stab himself.

Yuu:Kenta! Dammit why did you.

Soma:Stupid why!?

Kenta:I'm scare I'm scare I'm going to become burden for everyone.

Sakuya:Kenta.... Don't go I already lost everyone. Why you want to leave me.

Kenta:I know you're strong Sakuya you're the strongest woman I ever know... *cough cough*.

Kota:How about out friendship. Are you gonna make us forget about that as well.

Kenta:Dammit, you know I like to play bet with you. Tell Tatsumi and Brendan I'm going to miss those bastards.*cough cough*.

Soma:I doesn't want it to end like this.

Kenta:Stupid. After a long time I want you to smile you finally did it. I'm really happy. Keep that stupid smiling for Shio and me.

Alisa:Kenta...Don't die.

Kenta:Alisa, you're the woman that I see really suitable with Yuu. You two just like a real couple and I like that.

Aki:I'm so sorry. I was the one who deserve this.

Kenta:It's never your fault Aki. I was the one who can't control this power. This hand make Raymond cry and make him sad. I'm sorry I can't protect him.

Yuu:Just no we can't accept this fate.

Kenta:Accept that for Lindow. I know why Lindow trust you so much it's because you always great on every single thing you do. Don't cry everyone I'm just going to pass away anyway. We all will feel death one day. So don't worry you're guys time's gonna pass as well. Please if I die throw me at the cliff. That's my last wish... Goodbye.

Kenta die on Yuu arm. Yuu and the other throw Kenta at the cliff. Kenta god arc has broken and seperate into two parts. Is this the end for Kenta Kazuma.

Next part:Second chance

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