First Unit

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Yuu, Kenta and Soma go back to Dr sakaki lab.

Soma:Damn, the old man is not here either. Where the hell did he go?!

Kenta:I'm so sorry you guys I failed again.

Yuu:It's not your fault.

Soma:Yuu has the point.

Sakuya:They took Shio, doesn't they.

Kenta:Sakuya, Aki, Alisa what are you guys even doing here. I thought...

Aki:Of course we can't leave you guys to handle it.

Kenta:Thank you for coming back.


Kota:Not only them.

Yuu:Kota... Is that you?

Soma:So you come back.

Kota:I want to make sure everyone safe.

Yuu:I'm glad you're here, buddy.

Kenta:Now then what's we're waiting for let's save Shio and protect the world.

Kota:Come on I think it's down there.

They go to the lift.

Kota:Grhhgh! Damn! It won't budge without the key.

Suddenly they hear someone coming

Tsubaki:I guess I doesn't surprise me to find you guys here.

Kenta:Big... Sis! Please don't arrest us.

Sakuya:*gasp*Tsubaki! We have to find a way - -

Tsubaki:Just don't. I'm not here to arrest you. Who do you think I am?
The whole region's in chaos now that Ark is so close to completion. All those who had a seat. Already left.

Kenta:So why are you still here?

Tsubaki:I want to fix a little Lindow crazy messes. And speaking of crazy... How did you know about this place Kota?

Kota:Well... Huh. Back when I thought they were building an underground residential section. I tried to sneak a peak. I didn't know it worth anything until now. Besides that, The doc tell us that they were using this big of factory as a staging area for the aegis. So I figured,"Hey, how else are they gonna get in there?"

Tsubali:Hah!And to think, Sakaki was always fuming about you falling asleep in class, I don't know who to believe. I have to release key here, but be warned, if you're going over aegis. You'd better be ready. I only have one more thing to say, I'm proud of eact and every one of you... Fight well and don't die.

Kenta:Thank you, big sis and I will protect them. I will never anyone die on my protection anymore.

Before they go inside the lift Aki hold Kenta hand.

Aki:Kenta, wait.

Kenta:What is it? Looks like you're holding secret.

Aki:I want to confess something. I know this is not the right time... But I love you.

Everyone else surprises because they doesn't expect Aki to say that.

Kenta:You know how long I wait for you to confess it.

Aki:So, you know.

Kenta:*Nod*. I always know and thank you for being honest. Let's go everyone.

Yuu:Let's do this.

Alisa:I'm on fire right now.

Soma:Time to finish this.

Sakuya:Once and for all.

Kota:Wait, you guys already take all the sentence. What should I say now?

They go to the bottom of Fenrir and pray that they will win.

Next part:Gods eater

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