The Real Training Starts Now

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Kenta:This is hard and impossible to kill.

Shindo:Don't you say that this is piece of cake.

Kenta:But this is too much.

5 hours earlier

Kenta:So what are we going to do now.

Shindo:Hunt some aragami.

Kenta:Are you kidding me i doesn't have my god arc right now. Plus if I have god arc it will be a piece of cake.

Shindo:You can use my god arc. One more thing I like when you say it's a piece of cake.(Being cocky now you little kid. When this start I'm sure you know you can't understimate them.)

Kenta:Of course, I already kill 190 aragami.

Shindo:You count.

Kenta:Yes, it's one of the achievements.

Shindo:(This boy really inherited his father's attitude.) Alright, so are you ready now.


Shindo:Follow me to the training place.

Shindo and Kenta arrive.

Kenta:There's nothing here?

Shindo:Wait for 3 second. 3...2...1.

Big aragami stood infront of them.

Kenta:Oh, so it just come when it's lunch. Take your best shot aragami. Now you're death.

Kenta jump and try to launch attack to that aragami but that aragami just punch him until he stop at the tree.

Back to the present

Kenta:This is hard and impossible to kill.

Shindo:Don't you say that this is piece of cake.

Kenta:But this is too much.

Shindo:Are you sure it's impossible.

Kenta:Yes. It's impossible even for you.

Shindo:Oh, really fine I do it myself. Give me that god arc.

Kenta give Shindo that god arc.

Shindo:You want to know how I kill this aragami.


Shindo:Like this.

Shindo defeat that aragami with one slash and devour it.

Shindo:And that's how you kill aragami.

Kenta:How you did it? It was impossible.

Shindo:Everything is possible if you train and practice. Until you can slain that aragami with one slash you will keep practicing this.

Kenta:I'm sorry. I shouldn't understimate my enemy that much.

Shindo:I'm sure you wouldn't understimate it anymore.(You have similarity with your father Kenta. Just like Kento if you two did something wrong you two gonna apologise directly.)Alright. Starts again.

Kenta try to fight the next aragami but it's still strong for him.He keep training and training until he get stronger.

3 month later

Kenta:Today is the day where I'm gonna kill you get ready aragami.

Kenta jump and launch an attack to that aragami and finally kill it with one slash.

Kenta:Am I finally did it?

Shindo:Yes,you do.

Kenta:Shindo Sensei.

Shindo:I already watch what I want to watch. Congratulations you pass this training. I already see you for past 3 month and it's time for the last and final test of my training.

Kenta:Whatever it takes I'm gonna do it.

Shindo:You need to find way out from one forest.

Kenta:Is this gonna be the same forest as before.

Shindo:No, this is different one. I call this forest as Wood Of Trial.

Kenta:Why you put that as Wood Of the Trial?

Shindo:Because what you gonna see inside that thing is just your sin in the past.

Kenta feel scare to enter that forest.

Shindo:You can withdraw from this.

Kenta:I'll do it. Whatever I do I need to face my past as well.

Shindo:Then, get ready you're  going to that forest now.

Next part:Wood Of the Trial

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