The First Journey

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(Kenta Flashback 30/12/2066)

Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.
Kenta pov

I promise to mom and dad to become the god eater I need to go to the Far East Branch.It's located on Japan.The distance is 3697 nm from Klang. Guess I need to go fast.


Young Kenta:Hey boss,How much you want to sell that boat.

Boat seller:This boat.It's cost RM15000.

Young Kenta:I buy it.

Boat seller:Doesn't you too young for this thing.

Young Kenta:This world is not like before anymore you know people can't catch us because we doesn't have license anymore because of this apocalypse.

Boat seller:So where are you going.

Young Kenta:Japan.

Boat seller:I wish good luck Japan is the most place that have aragami.

Young Kenta:Thank you I also wish good luck for you selling that boat.

After talking Kenta go that boat and start his journey to Japan.

Young Kenta:This journey will take 16 days from Klang port to Japan port.

After a long journey he finally almost reach Japan port but he realise that his food stock run out.

Young Kenta:Guees I need to come to this port.This port looks really scary maybe because I'm alone that's why I feel terrified.

He see one guy  in front him.

The guy:What are you doing here kid?

Young Kenta:(Damn,he looks scary)*Fake smile*.I just want to buy some food here.

The guy:Haha why you don't tell us sooner.I'm the shop owner and boss here.

Young Kenta:Ehh...

The guy:Here come in to my shop.

He see everyone at that shop looks normal.

Young Kenta:Can I ask the question?What is this place.

The guy:This is a place where every survivor live kid you know on this apocalypse many people not survive including my family.

Young Kenta:I understand you I also lose my parents.

The guy:That's why I make this place to make everyone have hope again.

Young Kenta:Here the money.

The guy:No this place doesn't need money I make this place to help people.Anyway kid where are you going actually?

Young Kenta:I'm going to Japan I want to become god eater.

The guy:You're so lucky you can become god eater.Anyway I wish good luck and take this.

Young Kenta:What is this?

The guy:Just consider it a memory if you think about us just look at that and don't forget us.

Young Kenta:I will not forget you guys.

Kenta leave and wave a final goodbye to them.

Young Kenta:They're all kind people I will never forget them Anyway let's start again this journey.

Finally Kenta arrive at Japan.

Young Kenta:Finally I'm here I'm in Japan.Maybe I should walking from now on. Tomorrow is 1st January 2067.Maybe I should make a shelter for myself.

Next day.

Kenta decide to walking to the Far East branch.

Young Kenta:Come on 90 Km.Come on I'm tired.Why Far East Branch why. Why you make Far East branch far from this port.

Suddenly Kenta see one girl past out when he walking.

Young Kenta:Hey hey are you okay.Is she death.

Kenta takes a branch and prick her arm.

Young Kenta:Wake up.

The girl:Wake up.

Young Kenta:The heck!!!

Kenta climb the tree that he found near him.

The girl:Who are you?

Young Kenta:I should ask the same question you know. Anyway my name is Kenta.Kenta Kazuma how about you.

The girl:I....don't have name.

Young Kenta:That's weird who are you?

The girl:I'm aragami.

Young Kenta:Wait what??!

The girl:I... Will... Not hurt you.

Young Kenta:Fine I guess I need to give name to you.Emm..Wait what are you doing.

The girl:What is this?Yummy.

Young Kenta:That's salt.and it's salty.

The girl:What is salty?

Young Kenta:I guess I need to teach you something.Wait salt I got an idea.
How about Shio.

Shio:Shio likes that name.

Young Kenta:Good actually I need to go to the Far East branch.

Shio:I know the shortcuts.

Young Kenta:Wait you know?


Young Kenta:Great.

When they was walking they see aragami in front of them.

Young Kenta:Damn I don't have anything to. Wait shio what are you doing?

Shio stand in front of that aragami and that aragami leaves.

Young Kenta:How she.... Control that aragami?

Shio:Follow Shio.

After keep walking he see Far East Branch.

Young Kenta:That's Far East Branch let's go Shio... Shio.

Shio:Shio already have shio's near.

Young Kenta:But why?why you help me?

Shio:Because Kenta help Shio first bye Shio will not forget you Kenta.

Young Kenta:Bye Shio.I need to write down this on my note about aragami girl.So that's the security I guess I need to check in first.

End of Flashback

Kenta:And that's how I met Shio.

Kota:So you name her because of salt.

Kenta:Yeah.To be honest Shio how can you still not forget me i mean I already change a lot since that day.

Shio:Shio don't need to remember face Shio just need to remember heart.Shio don't forget kindness.

Kenta:Thanks Shio.

Yuu:Good story actually how you meet here how you help her I like that.

Kenta:My journey is long and I will not forget people who help me to come to this place.

They finally know how Kenta meet Shio.

Next part:Learn about human

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