Another New Type

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*knock knock*

Director:Get in.

Kenta:you're calling me director?Wait you are here as well Lindow and Sakuya.

Lindow:We get a special mission.

Kenta:What do you mean?

Sakuya: You see, we
have another God Eater that's being
transferred to the Far East. She's
from Russia and a New Type such as
yourself. But the director fear that the transfer may run into trouble.

Kenta:Wait another one.Seriously.

Lindow:It's okay if you doesn't want to go.

Kenta:I'm in,but I want your guys permission to take Kannagi on this mission as well.I want him to have experience on the this mission as well.

Lindow:Good idea.I agree to that.Director can we brought Kannagi together.

Director:Yes you can but don't make him injured or I will punish you.


[At plane]

Yuu:So who should we escort?

Kenta:Following the database her name is Alisa Ilinichina Amiella.She's from Russia Branch.She's been sent to join the Far East by the request of Director himself. Also, she too is a newly discovered New Type, like us.

Lindow: As you can see, the Russia branch
has already made the transferred, but
the Director fears that they might run
into trouble. And that's where we are here to intercept the transfer
and make sure that it's completed.

Pilot:Sergeant we have a big problem right here!

Kenta:What is it?

Pilot:Just look it yourself......

*They see a horde of zygotes around that plane

Kenta:Damn,what should we do now.

Yuu:There's too many of them.

Sakuya:Now I know why that director was concern.

Yuu:There's no way that plane going to make any further.

Lindow:Guys,there's somebody down there.

*They see a god eater on the top of that plane*

Yuu:What is she doing is she crazy,coming out there alone.

Lindow:Hey Kenta,is that Alisa.

Kenta:Wait let me check.Yes that was Alisa.

Lindow:Sakuya stay here,Kenta rook let's go to that plane.

Yuu and Kenta:Roger that.

After Alisa see them she go back to the cockpit.

Lindow:Kenta,Rook go to the cockpit I will settle this zygotes in no time.

Kenta:Make sure to leave some to us.

Lindow:You bet.

Yuu:Let's go Kenta.

They go to the cockpit to chase Alisa

Kenta:Wait Yuu there's something wrong here*shock*.

Alisa almost kick Kenta face.

Yuu:Are you okay Kenta!

Kenta:I'm fine just be careful okay.

Alisa continue to attack Kenta but Kenta is really experience with martial arts so he's really strong and powerful.Alisa know she can't handle Kenta so she turn to attack Yuu.

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