Second Chance

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???:Kid!? Everyone please help me carry this kid.

That mystery guy take Kenta to his place. Kenta wake up at one place.

Kenta:Where, where am I? Am I already in hell now?

Omega:If you still hear me it's mean you don't.

Kenta:Omega, where am I?

Omega:I see. You're still confuse.

???:Are you okay kid? Don't worry I'm not here to hurt you.

Kenta:How am I still alive? I should have died from that impact.

???:Did you already give up on your life?

Kenta:That's not your problem sir. Thank you for helping me,but I think I doesn't need your help for that. I will go to river and kill myself there.

???:Are you going to die like a loser. Are you going to make your father's death a waste. Your father saved you so you can protect others,but you want to kill yourself just because you can't accept the fact that you have that power.

Kenta stop walking and turn around.

Kenta:How did you know my father?

???:Follow me.

That old man take Kenta to hide house.

???:See that picture. That's me, your father, your mother and...

Kenta:That monster! They are from same unit.

???:Yes, and it's include me as well.

Kenta:I don't understand.

???:The guy that you hate betray us and humanity. We are no longer friend after that. You're father is bravest man I've ever seen for the rest of my life. He always care about his comrade instead of himself. That's what I want you to become.

Kenta:How?I'm already lost..I've lost my skills, my nature and everything else.

???:Did you ever heard of second chance? Second chance is the chance that we give people whenever they failed am I right? You're the one who start that second chance at Far East Branch.

Kenta:How did you know?

???:I'm close than you ever think Kenta. I already see you since the first time you start as the god eater. Now, if you already feel confident you can go to this place.

That old man give one picture to Kenta.

Kenta:What is this place anyway?

???:The place where you can get back your nature your skill and everything else.

Kenta:I will never forget this.Thank you so much.

???:Are you ready for a new start. Time to open the new book and close the old one.

Kenta:I'm ready. I promise I will keep them safe when I come back.

???:That's the passion.

Kenta forget something when starts walking.

Kenta:Wait I forget one thing what is your name old man.

Kirin:Kirin... Kirin Takayama.

Kenta:Thank you again old man Kirin.

Kirin:Kento, your son is more stronger than you,you know. I think he can become unstoppable if master trains him right. I will never forget you buddy. Get ready kid your new journey has just begin.

Kenta walking to that place to find that mystery guy.

Next part:Time to open a new book

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