3rd Arc

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Time for Lindow arc or 3rd arc. Well, I will return to copy cutscenes dialogue again. Yay. I'm just thinking what happen if Kenta in this situation as well. That's why I make this story and I promise I will finish this as fast as I could.Anyway enjoy.


Kenta:There is something Lindow hide I know it. His armlet is Sakuya already see everything. I'm sorry Sakuya I must investigate this alone.

Yuu:That aragami.

Sakuya:Kenta, I know you know something about this case.

Kenta:Is there any point to tell you this Sakuya.

Next scene

Ren:Hi, I'm Ren.

Omega:Don't get too close with him Kenta. He's not a normal creature.

Kenta:Wait what? You know something about him Omega.

Omega:There's no point to tell you this Kenta.

What journey?

That's gonna wait them?

Yuu:Don't run away. Don't run away from living, that's an order!

I will rest from making this story for a short time. It's okay I will come back.


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