1st Unit Defeated

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Tranquil temple

Sakuya:The Nova's in the area, fan out and track it down. When you've confirmed the target, signal for back up. We'll converge and face oy together. Understood?

Everyone nod and they separate into two group.

Alisa:No sign of the Nova out here either...

Kota:Guys, check out the moon! It's freakin' huge!

Aki:And if the moon was our target, we'd have found it already!

Soma feel something wrong.

Aki:It's up there every night, you know!

Soma:The Nova's nearby.

That nova roared and jump to their location.

Kota:Captain, we got the Nova right here! It may have spotted us, so get over quick!Captain...guys? That's bad.... The signal cut out!

Alisa:Now!? We can't beat this thing we need to fall back.

Soma walk slowly to that aragami.


Kota:Are you serious!?

Soma:This monster roams free because I let it... And I will be the one to cut it down.

Kota:Really? Is he doing this?

Aki:He probably lost his mind.

Alisa:We can't let him face it alone!

Kota:On it!

Soma:I'll put you down!Die!

Soma attack that aragami from the top but that aragami shell is really hard to destroy and that aragami push Soma away.



Alisa and Aki try to save Soma but that aragami change it target to them.

Alisa:No way! This aragami is too strong.

They both fall down.

Kota:Hold on!

Soma:Face me!

Soma attack back that aragami.

Kota:Disengage Soma! We gotta get outta here!

Soma doesn't give a damn about Kota word and keep attacking until he fall down.

Kota:Soma, talk to me buddy come on!

That Nova try to using his attack but Kota open his shield to protect Soma and fall down.

Meanwhile, Kenta feel pain on his head and realise there is something happen to all of his friend.


Yuu:Kenta, what happen?

Kenta:Something bad happen to them I can feel it.

Sakuya:Wait I get a call from Hibari.

Hibari:Did you guys hear me? Anyone?

Sakuya:What's wrong?

Hibari:Thanks heaven you're back! We've lost contact with Soma's team, We've had no coms and visual since they went dark. I can't find the location.

Kenta:Wait, let me do it. Find it... Let's go you two.

They arrive to that location and shock seeing everyone fall down.

Yuu:No way! They lost.

Sakuya:This aragami is something else.

Kenta:We need to be careful.

Yuu:Get ready.

Sakuya:I'll cover you two! Go!

Sakuya shoot a bullet while Yuu and Kenta attack that aragami.

Yuu:It's too hard!

Sakuya:Nothings breaking through!

Kenta:We need to find a strategic way to attack it.

That aragami change it target to Yuu and attacking him. Suddenly, one voice just stop that aragami. It was Shio. Everyone shock when they saw Shio.


Kenta:I can't believe this. Omega, is this true.


Soma:No, you... You can't be...

Aki:No way...

Kota:How'd you...

Alisa:It's really... really her!

Shio use her voice again and make that aragami retreat. After that Shio dissappear.

Hibari:Everyone report!

Sakuya:We're here. We're okay, Hibari, send an exfil chopper right now. Put the medical unit on standby.

Hibari:Right! Got it. Sending out the orders.

They all came home with dissatisfied face. While sakaki call Yuu to meet him alone.

Dr sakaki:Three of our own. The monster manager to bring three of our best to their knees. They'll survive thank goodness. But they will be laid up for quite some time to recover. Longer still before they can fight again. I... I am truly sorry. This was a disaster. I should have seen it coming. The second Nova is growing at a pace unprecedented. I didn't see that risk. I didn't predict it. That monster must devoured countless aragami by now. Likely a sea of twisted and chaotic bias factors are warring within it. We have to face the possibility that engaging the Nova in combat is not a viable option. If even our vaunted 1st Unit stood no chance...

Yuu:So, how about the nova.

Dr Sakaki:I don't know, I am at lost to be honest. No... No, there is one possibility! It would need the entire 1st Unit in prime form if it is to end better than our last attempt. Haha... Oh it's crazy, but it just may work.
We'll wait however. No point in getting everyone's hopes up. Once the others have fully recovered, we can broach this again.

Yuu:And how about Shio appearence?

Dr Sakaki:Sakuya provided me with a preliminary report of the encounter. It's interesting to say the least. The girl may very well have been Shio. Except... We've seen no evidence of a Singularity or any anomaly. Suffice to say, a much deeper investigation is in order.

Yuu:I understand that Dr Sakaki.

Dr Sakaki:Anyway, it all comes down to this. We cannot afford to press the Nova. The den would be defenseless if it chose to attack us here. Until everyone back on their feet. I am hesitant to plan further strategies. I know you have a pressure in your shoulders but I have every confidence on you.

Yuu get out from that room with sad face.

Dr Sakaki:You may came out now Kenta.

Kenta:So you know I'm here. And Yuu, looks like he sad.

Dr Sakaki:He probably feel that pressure. As a captain he think that he's responsible for everything that happen.

Kenta:I'm not a type of guy that can give him advice because I can't understand the responsibilities as a captain so I think the only one that can help is....

Dr Sakaki:Yes, Lindow. But what's your plan.

Kenta:Let them hunt down aragami together. I'm going to talk with Lindow about this.

Next part:Captain encouragment

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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