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2nd Arc opening.

Kenta walking and see Aki.

Kenta:Aki. Good morning.

Aki:Hey, good morning.

Kenta:You want to eat let's go.

Aki:Sorry, I can't.

Kenta hold Aki hand tightly.

Kenta:Since you confess to me I always see you run away from me. Can I ask why?

Aki:It's not your problem.


Aki:You don't hear me i said it's not your problem!

Kenta shock to see Aki mad and Kenta release Aki hand.

Aki:I just... Stress that's it.

Kenta:(Am I doing something wrong to her all this day.)

Kenta calling Yuu.

Kenta:Yuu. The time almost come.

Yuu:What you want me to do?

Kenta:I told you before. That's the only thing you should do.

Kenta follow Aki to the old city.

Aki:Get out show yourself.

Kenta see someone who he doesn't believe he would see he see his old enemies.

???:Aki, how many time should I tell you,make sure there is no one that follow you.

Aki:What do you mean, dad?

Kenta really shock when Aki said that.

Kenta:D... Dad. That's her dad. Remember back what Raymond said.


Raymond:I have family,my mom is died while my father was gone for many years,and I never see him again.

End of Flashback

???:Shut up, Aki! You are same as your brother foolish. He die because he do something he shouldn't.

Kenta who really angry to that monster attack him.

Kenta:You monster!

???:I expect someone follow Aki but I never thought it was you.

Kenta:What kind of human are you. You killed your own son you're totally monster.

???:My target is just you,he is foolish boy he can help me to defeat you but he rather protecting his best friend than his own father.

Kenta:I will never forgive for what you've done to them!

Kenta keep attacking that aragami but that aragami still strong.

???:Aki, help me...

Aki:Dad. I will do it.

Aki shoot Kenta who in rage. Kenta wake up easily and said to Aki.

Kenta:Aki, how dare you betray me. You not only make the worst decision on your life. But I will give you my hatred. Omega... Rage!

Kenta eye and arm starts to change.

Aki:Dad, what is that?

???:That's his true power. I will show you my human form.

That aragami turn to his human form.

Ichijo:Ichijo Tamashiro. Once I was your father friend before I ooh kill him.

Kenta who on rage attacking Ichijo,but Ichijo still too strong for him.

Ichijo:Still shock Kenta or should I say Omega...

Omega:How you?

Ichijo:I was the one who transfer you to Kenta body Omega. It's surprising that you doesn't even remember me.

Aki:Dad, what are you talking about.

Ichijo:The one who attack us is not Kenta it's his aragami inside him who control him now. And his name is Omega.

Omega:You're better than I expected. You're right. He still sleeping in here. He give up his life and give it to me. I can access all his memory and I want to protect him.That's my promise to his dad.

Ichijo:I leave him with you Aki.

Aki:Dad, no why me.

Ichijo:I found you're useless to me.

Aki:Dad, after what I've done to you how dare you?

Ichijo:Goodbye Aki nice to see you.

Ichijo leave Aki with Omega.

Omega:You will be die.

When Omega almost kill Aki. Kenta somehow get back his consciousness for the short time.

Aki:Ken... Kenta.

Kenta:Run... I said run!!

Aki manage to run away from Omega grip.

Kenta mind

Omega:Why? Kenta.

Kenta:I already promise to Raymond. I will protect her no matter what.

Omega:But she betray you and stab you in the back.

Kenta:Listen, Omega I will let you use my body but if you want to kill my family I will make sure that you regret it. Remember that.

Omega take control back to that body and go find the hiding place.

Next part:The message

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