Lindow's Memory

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Yuu have been on the mission with Annette federico and Ren. After they've done that mission they all get back to the Den and Yuu buy a drink for himself and everyone.

Yuu meet Ren at god arc storage to give him a drink.


Ren:Good work today.

Yuu:Here take this drink.

Ren:Thank you very much. Oh is this
that "first love juice" I've been hearing about? This is... I-mean, certainly I didn't... Its delicious!

Ren look at Lindow's god arc.

Ren:So... This is Lindow's Arc,isn't it?

Yuu:Wait,you know Lindow as well?

Ren:Well, I've fought alongside him before. We've been in a few combat situations together. That's how I know. That was... rather cruel of him, wasn't it? To leave you all the way he did. He charged off alone. It was... foolish.

Yuu:He just be himself as a captain.

Ren keep watching Lindow's god arc and touch it.  Yuu who saw the thing prevented him from holding Lindow God arc and touch Ren hand. Suddenly he get Lindow's memory.

Lindow's memory.

Lindow:Sakuya... In ordering you! Make sure you get everyone home alive!

Sakuya:No! I won't leave you!

Kota:Come on, we have to go! If we stay here any longer, we're all dead!

Sakuya:I won't go! Lindow!

They take Sakuya by force and go home. Meanwhile on the other side...

Lindow:I think they got away...

After a few minutes he see dyaus pita infront of him.

Lindow:*sigh*Seriously, can I have like five minutes? Don't know how long I can do this...

He fight that dyaus pita bravely but unfortunately his armlet was broken when he fight dyaus pita.

Lindow:Ngh... R-saaaaaaagh! This was on me I admit it.

When he try to launch an attack that dyaus pita eat his armlet. From a distance, Shio who was watching Lindow fighting that dyaus pita help him. She communicate with dyaus pita and that dyaus pita left them while Lindow pass out. When Lindow wake up he see shio infornt of him.

Lindow:I'm starving.

Shio:I'm starving?

Lindow:Huh? N-No... Not it, I'm hungry.

Shio:No... No, not it, I'm hungry.

Lindow:I'm hungry.

Shio:I'm....I'm hungry.

Lindow:Ah! Ngh... Aaaaaaargh!

Shio come to Lindow and heal him.

Lindow:You... You've brought me. Thank you.

End of Lindow's memory.

Ren:What's wrong are you?

Yuu:No, it's nothing.

Yuu leave in hurry after see that memory.

Ren:So that was resonance.

Meanwhile Kenta still try to figure out how to access Lindow's armlet.

Kenta:Wrong! It's wrong!What is the real password...

Omega:Kenta, keep calm don't think about it too much.

Kenta:How can I not thinking about that thing too much. I see that aragami with my own eye. I can feel that was him. There is no way that he die.

Kenta look at the family picture and take it.

Kenta:Lindow, what will you  do if you are on this situation.

When he turn that picture around he see something doesn't right with that frame and open it. He's really shock to see password on that frame.

Kenta:The password... Is here. I can't believe it.

He rushing back to the terminal and put the password.

Kenta:"FAMILY... FOREVER..."Lindow you never forget us...

Omega can feel Kenta sadness and try to comfort.

Omega:Are you going to let him down, don't be sad and keep going to achieve what you want.

Kenta:Thanks, Omega.

Omega:Open it.

Kenta open Lindow's secret file that no one knows.

Kenta:I already find the answer. So it's true after all... He....

At the same time with Yuu.

Yuu and Kenta:Alive. No way.

Next part:Hide Or Reveal

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