Don't Run Away

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After defeating  black Hannibal,Yuu and Kenta were shocked to see all the members of the 1st unit were there.

Alisa:Yuu, Kenta.

Yuu:You guys.

Kota:Is it... Is he dead?

Suddenly that black Hannibal wake up again.

Kenta:Probably not.

Sakuya:Lindow... Lindow, you're..


Alisa:Lindow, open your eyes.

Aki:Lindow! I know you can hear us.

Ren speak to Yuu and give him Lindow god arc.

Ren:Do it. The heart lies open. If you shirk this chance, it will not come again.Take this arc he once held and plunge it into him. It's the only way to end this.

Before Yuu takes it Lindow's start talking to everyone.

Lindow:Forget about Me... Forget all of this... Run!

Sakuya:Lindow I know you're still in there. I know it's still you.

Kota:Lindow, man.

Ren:Still you waver? I thought you were braver than that. I thought you had made your peace with this long ago.

Lindow:You have to run! Now!

Sakuya:Never... Never! I won't leave you again, I won't let you make this decision a second time. I refuse, do you hear me!? I refuse!

Alisa:You're coming home. Even if I have to drag you there myself. You are coming home. There's so much to tell you. So many apologies to make.

Aki:You're our family and we won't leave you Lindow.

Ren:The others will suffer if you do not choose. Do you want to punish Lindow? To make him kill his beloved friends?

Lindow:I already decide... I decide to clean my own mess.

Ren:You have to do it! Release him from this. Release him from from his agony!

Kenta:Think about it Yuu. Sometimes, choice that we make decide the future.

Yuu:I already make my choice. Kenta are you with me?

Kenta:Always. Omega are you with me?I need your special ability.

Omega:You will have an injury and you will feel pain if you do this. Are you sure want to do this?


Omega:Fine, then I will lent you my special ability.

Lindow:Get away... Get away now!

Yuu give the sign to Kenta and Kenta immediately knows it. Yuu take Lindow's god arc immediately. Yuu suffer from Lindow's god arc while Kenta suffer from Omega special ability.



Yuu:Don't run away don't run away from living that's an order!!

Kenta:Families are always together, no matter...... Arghh... what happens they will never leave their own families!I will never give up to save you! Let's do it Yuu.

They both rushed towards the Black Hannibal and opened his head. Then, they touched Lindow's head and enter Lindow's mind.

Next part:Enter the Resonance

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