Life Continue

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Kenta pov
I decide to move on and I need to go on the mission.It's actually not my mission but I promise to Yuu that I will replace him because he need to be on Alisa side.

Tsubaki:Are you okay Kenta.I know it's been a rough day for you.

Kenta:I'm fine so what's the mission?

Tsubaki:4 kongou at wailing plains.I want you to go there.Anyway this mission is for Kannagi why did you take it.

Kenta:I promise to him that I will replace him while he take care of Alisa.I can see both of them will get along really well.*smile*

Tsubaki:Alright you can call whoever you want to help you on this mission.

Outside Mission room

Kenta:Who should I brought together with me today.I got it Kota but I think he's not enough.Shun is not bad as well.I think I need one medic as well but the only one left is Aki..... Huh.Whatever I don't care atleast I have backup I should be grateful.

Kota:So why we are here today.

Shun:I don't know,Aki how about you?

Aki:I don't have any idea.

Kota:How can you don't know doesn't he your boyfriend hearts hearts❤️.

Aki:*blush*No he's not.

Shun:You know what Aki you are really same with him both of you doesn't even know how to lie.

Kenta:What did you guys just say. *Angry face*

Shun and Kota:Hey,We're just kidding.

Both of them get punch by Kenta.

Shun and Kota:Man that's hurt.

Kenta:If you know that don't talk about love ok.

Kota:But I though that rumor was right....

Kenta:*Angry glare*

Kota:Ok ok fine fine I will not talk about it.

Shun:We...we are re... really... so... sorry.*scare*

Kenta:Now let's go on the mission shall we.

Kota:So that's why you call us.

Kenta:Yep 4 kongou at wailing plains let's go.

Wailing plains

Shun:Wo that's aragami really big.

Kenta:Of course it's big because that is kongou.

Kota and Shun:Wait but you say that kongou are 4.


Aki:So how we should defeat them.

Kenta:You doesn't need to worry okay you have practice shooting don't you.

Kota :It's like this couple need time together don't you think Shun.


Kenta:You two hunt 2 kongou.Aki and I will hunt another 2.

Kota and Shun:Alright.

Kenta:Hey aragami today is your day to die. *Slash*. Wait where is another one.

Suddenly another just attack him but he slash that kongou but that kongou still alive.

Kenta:Damn.Aki when I slash that aragami I want you to shoot understand.

Aki:But I....

Kenta:Aki,believe yourself.Just remember all your training ok and you will be fine. *smile*

Aki:Kenta... I will try my best.

Kenta:Die you aragami *slash*Now Aki!!!


That kongou begin to fall.


Aki:You did it.

Kenta:No we did it.Honestly I can't do it without you Aki.Thanks.

Aki:*blush*. Your welcome.

Kenta:Wait why your face become red.

Aki:No nothing anyway we should get home right.

Kenta:Yeah but we need to wait that sarcastic duo ok.

Kota and Shun:Hey we have finish.

Kenta:So let's go home now shall we.

Kota:So Aki what happen between you and Kenta heart heart ♥️.


Shun:He just kidding don't take it seriously.

Kenta:(What a happy family I have.But if you are here it will be perfect Lindow).

They come back to the den after finish the mission

Next part:The truth.

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