Journey To Become God Eater

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Kenta pov

3 days after Lindow missing It's looks like I still can't move on I always remember him I remember the first time I meet him.

(Flashback 2067)

Security:Who are you kid?

Kenta:I'm the son of God eater.

Security:Wait let me check,your dna is compatible to become god eater.Follow me i will make you meet director himself.

Security and Kenta go to the director room.

Security:Director I see someone that really compatible to become the god eater.

Director:Oh really you may leave now I will talk to him myself.

Security:Alright, Director.

Director:Come here kid don't scare.

Kenta come to the director.

Director:Where do you get that armlet.

Kenta:My father armlet he give it to me before he die.

Director:And you install it yourself.


Director:So you doesn't need to wear our armlet because you have your own.Do the medical checkup first and tomorrow you will start your job as a god eater.

Kenta out from director room and do medical checkup. When he enter the medical checkup he surprise to see Dr paylor sakaki which his father friend inside that.

Kenta:Old man Sakaki is that you.

Doctor sakaki:Kenta is that you.Oh my god what happen how do you become God eater. Where is your father and mother?

Kenta:They dead.

Dr Sakaki:I'm sorry to ask you that question. But how do you get that armlet.?

Kenta:From my father he give it before he die.

Dr Sakaki:It's impossible to wear someone armlet without any side effects maybe you have something special about your compatibility is really high it's really high than another god eater.Alright Kenta listen to me tomorrow you will get your god arc and your instructor his name is Lindow Amamiya.

Kenta:Can I trust people here Old man sakaki.

Dr sakaki:Don't worry they are kind person I bet.

Kenta:Alright I understand.

Next day

Kenta:(Why he so late) .

Then he see someone in front him.

Lindow:Hey kid,my name is Lindow Amamiya,just a Lindow for you kid. Listen to me this is my first time I become the instructor so please don't make any trouble ok.

Kenta:Fine if you doesn't ordering me around.

Lindow:I forget to ask what is your name kid.

Kenta:My name is Kenta.Kenta Kazuma.I'm 14 years old.

Lindow:Anyway kid let's go,

They arrive at Old city

Lindow:Now we need to hunt 8 zygotes you can do it.


Lindow:Listen I know you don't trust me kid but in this job you need to trust everyone.You also need to talk ok.

Kenta:Alright Lindow.

They see that zygotes and attack it but of that zygotes try to attack Lindow.Suddenly... Something happen.

Kenta and Lindow:What?

Lindow:How that sword god arc become a gun.Don't tell me that he is the new type.

Kenta still shocking then he saw Lindow needs his help.

Lindow:Come on kid it's your time to shine shoot that damn aragami.

Kenta:*Shoot*turn back that gun into sword*slash*Die you aragami!!!

Lindow:Devour it!


Lindow:Goodjob kid you did well.*pat his hand to his head*


Lindow:When they say I will train kid I never expect to train a new type god eater.That armlet was not yours right.

Kenta:How do you know?

Lindow:The installment of that.Who's armlet is that.

Kenta:From my father he's dead but he tell to keep continue my life and start a new life.

Lindow:You know you choose the right path to become god eater.It's ok i will make sure you join my unit.

Kenta:Thanks Mr Lindow.

Lindow:Just call me Lindow I hate that old and young formal just assume me as your friend ok.

Kenta:Ok Lindow.

Next day

Kenta:I'm sorry I'm late.

Lindow:You still not late we're not even start yet.

Tsubaki:So Lindow Who do you want to introduce to me.

Lindow:This kid big sis.

Kenta:My name is Kenta Kazuma you guys can call me Kenta.I'm 14 years old.

Sakuya:*smile*Good to see you I'm Sakuya Tachibana the vice captain.

Soma:I'm Soma Schiksal just call me Soma. The assault corporal.

Kenta:*salute* and *bow*

Lindow:You doesn't need to bow like that,from now on you are our family you are the 1st unit member.and remember to help each other.

Kenta:(Family...huh*smile*From now on this is a family that I need to protect.)I will do my best.Don't you worry.

Lindow:I like that sentence kid hopefully you will become the great god eater.

Next part:The resonance

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