Goodbye Sensei

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Kenta:Shindo sensei.

Shindo:Kenta, I'm glad your survive. Wait that kid how did you find him!


Shindo:That's one of my apprentice. He lost for 3 years.

Kenta:So this kid is missing.

Shindo:Yeah, thank you for bringing him back and I'm also glad he survive.

Kenta:So, how's my training now.

Shindo:You pass congratulations.

Kenta:Thank you for everything. I doesn't what will happen if you doesn't help me.

Shindo:Don't thanks me to early thanks my apprentice Kirin.

Kenta:Please send him my regards.

Shindo:I will.

Kenta:I doesn't have god arc to fight that monster.

Shindo:Follow me to one place can you.

Kenta follow Shindo to one place.

Shindo:Come in.

Kenta:What is this place?My father and my mother.

Shindo:This is what I call memory place gallery for short term.

Kenta:Thank you for becoming my sensei all this time.

Shindo:I just train you the same way I train you father. You're stronger than your father not only from the outside but also on the inside.

Kenta:So why did you take me to this place.

Shindo:I want to to give you this.

Kenta:God arc?

Shindo:More precisely your father god arc. His first God arc before he get the new one.

Kenta:Is this a new type weapon?

Shindo:Your father hide the fact that he is the first generation of new type.
And please take this cloth.

Kenta:Thank you so much I don't know how can I return back the favour.

Shindo:Defeat Ichijo, if you really want to return the favour. It's nice to know you Kenta just like your father you both grown up. I'm sure he will be proud if he see what his son already became.

Kenta crying and hug Shindo.

Kenta:Thank you Sensei.*sob*sob.

Shindo:Now, please change your cloth before you can go you look ugly on that bloody costume.

Kenta change his cloth to the new cloth that he just receive from Shindo.

Shindo:You did well Kenta. I wish you good luck in the future.

Kenta:Goodbye Shindo sensei. One more thing give this to that kid.

Shindo:What is this?

Kenta:That's switchblade.

Shindo:I will give it when he wake up and I will make sure he never forget about you.

Kenta:If that case I want to say goodbye for now.

Kenta using plane that Shindo sensei give to him to make sure he arrive to the Den.

Kenta:Omega can I ask you something.

Omega:What do you want to ask kid?

Kenta:Why did you really kind to me? Did you make a promise with my father before.

Omega:I promise to your father I will protect you. The only reason we  can communicate is because of your armlet. I promise him I will protect you no matter what. You're not the only failure. I'm also failure on my own.

Kenta:Atleast I know you're a not bad after all. You just overprotective.

Omega:I'm just...

Kenta:Already speechless.

Omega:I guess you're right.

Kenta:From now on let's try to become one.

Omega:Let's do this kid time to show everyone what you're capable of after that tough training.

Kenta:Wait for me everyone, I'll already become stronger and I promise I'm going to protect you guys this time no matter what.

Next part:The biggest threat

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