Prologue To Goodbye

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Yuu:Director, Did you call me?

Director:Yes, listen you've done me proud... And I have another assignment here that I mean for you. I charge you with this mission, to be given highest priority and executed in secrecy. A unique aragami was detected off the coast of aegis Island. All scouts indicate that it should still be near the Pacific shallows.Hunt down this aragami. But be wary, it possesses a unique and dangerous intelligence. When you do find this creature... You are too execute it and extract the core immediately. Ensure that the core is intact. Then, bring it back here to me. I don't need to tell you how important this is. It could be very well be the key to our survival.
I suppose it will be difficult to hunt down one unique Aragami all on your own, so I'll be tasking Soma  to help you for the search. That is all. Continue to serve me well. Godspeed.

At forgotten carrier(Coast of aegis island)

Soma:I'm sure you've already figure out that riddle...You  know who my father wants us to find out here. The unique aragami. He want us to hunt Shio. All my life I've let him send me on these missions. Search and destroy. Hunt and kill. But there is no way in hell I will hand Shio over to that bastard. He will not lay a finger on her.

Yuu:Soma You...

Soma:I don't want you to mistake this anger. I hate how he manipulate us, the way pulls strings like we're his damned toys. I've seen this angle before. The first time we met I drew my blade on you. You're nothing but a rookie, Cannon fodder to feed aragami. And now you're... Hehe...She's around here. I know that much for sure. Still, best to stay close and sharp, there are other feral ones running around. Keep your arc up.

Yuu:Alright, Soma I understand. Hehe.


Kenta:What are you two talking about?

Yuu:Wait how did you came here?

Kenta:Chill,director doesn't know about this.

Soma:So funny now if you excuse me there is one aragami we need to hunt.

Kenta:It's shio doesn't it...

Soma:You... Know.


They continue walking to find Shio and  they found ogretail dead body and hear someone singing.
They know that voice really well.It is shio. After that Shio stop singing.

Shio:Oh, What... What is this song? I don't like it... I don't like it!

Soma:It's.... A song of parting. That's the reason it makes you afraid.

Shio:I don't want to go! I don't!

Soma:The words are sad. They're singing about loss, about never seeing the one you love again...

Shio:But...but we did see each other again. You're right there.

Soma:Because we're different than that song. We came looking.Let's go home, Shio.


Suddenly Shio start screaming.


Soma:What the hell is going on?! Shio!

Shio:I must go... I am called...

Soma:Come back here! Shio, come back!

Shio look at them and collapse.

Soma:What's wrong?! Shio!

Kenta:Oh, hell no! Shio.

Yuu:What should we do now?

Soma:Dammit! This make no sense. We gotta get her back to the Den, now!

Next part:Into aegis

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